§ 152.075  SITE PLAN.
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish the procedures and standards for review and approval of a site plan that depicts site and building related details and engineering drawings.
   (B)   Applicability. All development activity, unless exempted in accordance with division (C) below, shall be required to have a site plan approved in accordance with this section prior to the issuance of a zoning permit.
   (C)   Exemptions. The following development activity shall be exempted from the requirements of this section:
      (1)   The construction, alteration or modification of a single-family dwelling or duplex on an individual lot;
      (2)   Internal or external construction that does not increase gross floor area, building height, the density or intensity of use or affect parking, landscaping or buffering requirements; and
      (3)   The placement or construction of a detached accessory structure on a lot containing a single-family dwelling or duplex.
   (D)   Site plan content standards. Site plans submitted to the town must contain the following information:
      (1)   Property lines, proposed setbacks and proposed lot coverage;
      (2)   Building location(s) and orientation(s);
      (3)   Building massing and roof form;
      (4)   Street layout;
      (5)   Right-of-way width and configuration;
      (6)   Public utility location and sizing;
      (7)   Fire protection infrastructure locations;
      (8)   Landscaping, buffering and tree preservation and protection;
      (9)   Parking, loading and internal circulation layout;
      (10)   Fencing, walls and screening;
      (11)   Open space configuration;
      (12)   Storm water management;
      (13)   Exterior lighting (type and location);
      (14)   Sign location, height and type;
      (15)   Solid waste storage facilities;
      (16)   Locations of existing structures on adjoining parcels; and
      (17)   Current zoning and land use of adjoining parcels.
   (E)   Procedures.
      (1)   Preliminary procedures. The preliminary procedures and requirements for the submission and review of a site plan are established in §§ 152.045 through 152.056 of this chapter.
      (2)   Review of site plan by Ordinance Administrator. The Ordinance Administrator shall review complete applications for site plans within ten days of their submission and forward any comments regarding the consistency of the proposed site plan with this chapter to the applicant and the Planning Board prior to the meeting at which the site plan will be considered.
      (3)   Review and decision by Planning Board. The Planning Board shall review complete applications for site plans at its next regularly scheduled meeting following the Board’s receipt of comments from the Ordinance Administrator on the proposed site plan’s consistency with this chapter. During the meeting, the Planning Board shall, by a simple majority vote, approve, approve with conditions, or deny approval of the site plan based on the standards in division (F) below.
   (F)   Standards for approval. A site plan shall be approved only upon a finding by the Planning Board that the site plan meets the following standards:
      (1)   The proposed use (or uses) is allowed in the zoning district in accordance with § 152.145 of this chapter;
      (2)   The proposed development and uses in the submitted site plan comply with §§ 152.146 through 152.201 of this chapter;
      (3)   The general layout and design of the proposed development in the submitted site plan complies with all relevant standards of this chapter; and
      (4)   The proposed development complies with all other applicable town requirements, including town infrastructure standards.
   (G)   Conditions of approval. In approving a site plan, the Planning Board may impose appropriate conditions on the permit approval in accordance with §§ 152.045 through 152.056 of this chapter.
   (H)   Expiration. Site plan approvals shall automatically expire at the end of two years following the date of its approval if a building permit for at least one structure in the development is not approved. A change in ownership of the land shall not effect this time frame.
   (I)   Amendments. An approved site plan may be amended, extended or modified only in accordance with the procedures and standards established for its original approval.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)