Offenses Against Public Peace and Safety
130.01 Skating on public ways and places
130.02 Loitering; obstruction of public ways and buildings
130.03 Discharging firearms
130.04 Meetings and demonstrations on public ways; permit required
Offenses Against Public Morals
130.15 Loitering for drug-related activity
130.16 Public consumption of alcoholic beverages
It shall be unlawful for any person to skate on roller skates, or to ride or skate on a puddle jumper, roller coaster, skateboard or scooter on any street, roadway, sidewalk, public parking or public vehicular area within the designated central business district of the town as incorporated within the official zoning map of the town, or within any park or public vehicular parking area owned by the town. It shall be unlawful for any parent of a minor child to allow his or her minor child to skate on any street, roadway, road, sidewalk, public parking or public vehicular area within the official zoning map of the town or within any park or public vehicular parking areas owned by the town.
(Ord. passed 11-3-2003) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) No person shall loiter, lounge or sleep in or upon any street, park or public place or in any public building, or obstruct the access to any public building or any part thereof, or obstruct passage through or upon any public street, park or public place.
(B) LOITER shall encompass, but shall not necessarily be limited to, one or more of the following acts:
(1) Obstruction of the free, unhampered passage of pedestrians or vehicles; and
(2) Refusing to move on when so requested by a peace officer; provided, the peace officer has exercised his or her discretion reasonably under the circumstances in order to preserve or promote public peace and order.
(Ord. passed 11-3-2003) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any gun, pistol, pellet gun or any other firearm within the town limits of the town, except for the following persons:
(1) A police or law enforcement officer while in the performance of his or her duty;
(2) Any person or individual while protecting his or her life and property, where that life and property is being threatened by a human being;
(3) Any person protecting individual property from damage caused by squirrels, and other wild animals, after first receiving a permit from the town’s Police Department; or
(4) Snakes may be shot without a permit.
(B) This section shall be in full force and effect from and after ten days subsequent to the date of its adoption.
(Ord. passed 9-16-1985) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) (1) No person or group of persons shall hold an open air public meeting, demonstration or march upon a public street, alley, sidewalk or mall unless a permit therefor shall first be obtained from the town’s Board of Commissioners.
(2) OPEN AIR PUBLIC MEETING includes the delivery of a public address, lecture, sermon or discourse, or the conducting of a public musical or theatrical performance.
(B) Every permit issued under this section shall be in writing and shall specify the day and hour of the open air public meeting and shall be limited to a specific occasion on a single day.
(C) Application shall be made to the Board of Commissioners in writing, and shall be filed with the Town Clerk at the Town Hall. The Board shall act upon the application, at a called meeting, if necessary, within 72 hours after the filing of the application. No permit shall be denied by the town’s Board of Commissioners unless the Board finds that the proposed open air public meeting will conflict with one already scheduled or that the proposed open air public meeting will seriously obstruct the free flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
(Ord. passed 1-6-1976) Penalty, see § 10.99