(A)   Except for lawful research, clinical, medical, dental, or veterinary purposes, no person, with purpose to induce intoxication or similar physiological effects, shall obtain, possess, or use a harmful intoxicant.
   (B)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of abusing harmful intoxicants, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If the offender previously has been convicted of a drug abuse offense, abusing harmful intoxicants is a misdemeanor of the first degree.
('81 Code § 138.07)
   (C)   (1)   Notwithstanding the fines otherwise required to be imposed pursuant to R.C. §§ 2929.21 or 2929.31 for violations of this section and notwithstanding R.C. § 2929.22, the court shall impose a mandatory fine of $1,000 if the violation of this section was a misdemeanor of the first degree and a mandatory fine of $250 if the violation of this section was a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
      (2)   The court may impose a fine in addition to a mandatory fine imposed pursuant to division (C)(1) of this section if the total of the additional and mandatory fines does not exceed the maximum fine that could be imposed pursuant to R.C. §§ 2929.21 or 2929.31.
      (3)   No court shall impose a mandatory fine pursuant to division (C)(1) of this section upon an offender who alleges, in an affidavit filed with the court prior to his sentencing, that he is indigent and is unable to pay any mandatory fine imposed pursuant to that division, if the court determines the offender is an indigent person and is unable to pay the fine.
   (D)   In addition to any other sanction imposed upon an offender for a violation of this section, the court shall suspend for not less than six months nor more than five years the offender’s driver’s or commercial driver’s license or permit. If the offender is a professionally licensed person, in addition to any other sanction imposed for a violation of this section, the court immediately shall comply with R.C. § 2925.38.
(R.C. § 2925.31)