(A) Any appointments made for a full-time deputy marshal or police officer shall be made for a probationary period of 12 months continuous service, and no full-time appointments shall be deemed finally made until the appointee has satisfactorily served his probationary period. At the end of the probationary period, the Mayor shall transmit to Council a record of the employee's service with his recommendations thereon; and with the concurrence of the Council, the Mayor may remove or finally appoint the full-time deputy marshal or police officer as the case may be.
(B) Any appointments as a part-time or seasonal deputy marshal or police officer shall terminate at the end of the calendar year or as otherwise provided by law.
('81 Code § 34.05) (Am. Ord. 1998-O-24, passed 5-14-98; Am. Ord. 1999-O-54, passed 10-14-99)