In a prosecution of a person for a theft offense that alleges that the person, with purpose to defraud or knowing that he was facilitating a fraud, hired or rented an aircraft, motor vehicle, motorcycle, motorboat, sailboat, camper, trailer, horse, buggy, or other property or equipment, kept or operated any of the same which has been hired or rented, or engaged accommodations at a hotel, motel, inn, campground, or other hostelry, it is prima facie evidence of purpose to defraud if the offender did any of the following:
      (1)   Used deception to induce the rental agency to furnish the offender with any of the property listed above in this section, or used deception to induce the hostelry to furnish the offender with accommodations;
      (2)   Hired or rented any of the property named above in this section, or engaged accommodations, knowing the offender was without sufficient means to pay the hire or rental;
      (3)   Absconded without paying the hire or rental;
      (4)   Knowingly failed to pay the hire or rental as required by the contract of hire or rental, without reasonable excuse for the failure;
      (5)   Knowingly failed to return hired or rented property as required by the contract of hire or rental, without reasonable excuse for the failure.
(R.C. § 2913.41) ('81 Code § 131.14) Penalty, see § 130.99