In the event an individual or group is desirous of giving the village a donation of money, goods or services, the donation shall be made in the following manner:
   (A)   In the event the donation is money for a specified purpose, the money shall be presented to the Clerk-Treasurer who shall deposit the money in the proper fund of the village. The money will then be used as per the specified purpose enumerated by the donor. If that purpose involves the purchase of an item or items for the village, the purchase shall be made utilizing proper purchasing procedures, i.e. a voucher shall be made out for the purchase, and an agent of the village shall make the purchase utilizing the village’s tax identification number. However, in no event shall items be purchased as a gift or donation to the village, and the village reimburses that person or group.
   (B)   In the event the donation is goods or materials, the person or group shall purchase them and present them or a copy of an invoice for said goods or materials to the Clerk-Treasurer for inclusion in the village inventory. The village will not purchase items and then receive reimbursement from the donor.
   (C)   In the event the donation is of services, the person or group shall execute a waiver of liability and the village may issue the donor a receipt for the market value of the services rendered if requested by the donor.
(Ord. 2001-O-62, passed 12-13-01)