(A) Where a park, playground, school, public access to water frontage, or other public uses, which are contained within the comprehensive plan, are located in whole or in part in a proposed subdivision, the Commission shall request the dedication of such area within the subdivision or that provision be made for the acquisition of such area by the proper agency within a period of two years or other mutually acceptable period.
(B) The Commission in conjunction with the Village Council may require land to the amount of three percent of the land included in the plan of the subdivision be conveyed to the village for park purposes. In lieu of the conveyance for park purposes, the Commission may in conjunction with the village require the subdivider to pay $100 per lot created by the subdivision to be used for improvements to park land in the village. Upon the sale of the first lot within the subdivision, the subdivider shall pay the village $500 for the first five lots. The above shall be repeated for each group of five lots or part thereof. If less than five lots are to be developed, the amount to be paid shall be $100 per lot for the total number of lots less than five.
(C) Where a large scale subdivision or planned unit development is proposed, the Commission may require that consideration be given to sites for parks, playgrounds, and other such areas for common use and that provisions be made for such reservation or acquisition by the proper agency.
(D) The commission may reserve the right to deny approval to a subdivision if such a subdivision disregards the preservation of natural features which add value to residential development and the community, such as wooded areas, water courses, beaches, areas of natural or historical significance and similar irreplaceable assets as described in the comprehensive plan.
(Ord. 537, passed 7-19-90)