(A) Prior to the initial use and operation of any vehicle under the authority of any license, the vehicle shall be thoroughly examined and inspected by the Police Department and found to comply with all standards of safety prescribed by the laws of the state or the city. When the Police Department finds that a vehicle proposed to be used as a taxicab has met the standards of safety prescribed by law, the Department shall notify the City Administrator of the fact and the City Administrator is authorized to issue a license for the vehicle upon compliance of the grantee with the other provisions of this chapter.
(B) Every vehicle operating under the authority of this chapter shall be inspected from time to time and at least annually by the Police Department to ensure the continued maintenance of safe operating conditions. The operation of any vehicle which fails to meet the standards of safety established by laws shall be discontinued until the time as the deficiency is eliminated.
(Prior Code, § 29-7) (Ord. 813, passed - -) Penalty, see § 10.99
Vehicles must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. Every vehicle operating under the authority of this chapter shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition both as to interior and exterior.
(Prior Code, § 29-8) (Ord. 813, passed - -) Penalty, see § 10.99
No driver shall permit any other person to occupy or ride in a taxicab unless the person or persons first employing the taxicab shall request or consent to the acceptance of additional passengers.
(Prior Code, § 29-9) (Ord. 813, passed - -) Penalty, see § 10.99
No driver shall permit more persons to be carried in a taxicab as passengers than the rated seating capacity of his or her taxicab as stated in the license for the vehicle issued by the City Administrator. The rated seating for each taxicab operated under this franchise shall be determined by the Police Department and reported to the City Administrator for inclusion in the license certificate.
(Prior Code, § 29-10) (Ord. 813, passed - -) Penalty, see § 10.99
No driver shall refuse or neglect to convey any orderly person or persons, upon request, unless previously engaged or unable or forbidden by the provisions of this chapter to do so.
(Prior Code, § 29-11) (Ord. 813, passed - -) Penalty, see § 10.99
No driver shall permit any person to occupy or use the vehicle for the purpose of prostitution, lewdness or assignation, and it shall be unlawful for the driver of any taxicab to direct or offer or agree to direct any person to any place or person for the purpose of prostitution, lewdness or assignation, and it shall be unlawful to transport any person to any building, place or other person with the knowledge or reasonable cause to know that the purpose of the transportation is prostitution, lewdness or assignation.
(Prior Code, § 29-12) (Ord. 813, passed - -) Penalty, see § 10.99