If grantor elects to change the grade of or otherwise alter any street, alley, avenue, bridge, public right-of-way or public place for a public purpose, grantee, upon reasonable notice from grantor, shall remove and relocate its facilities or equipment situated in the public rights-of-way, if such removal is necessary to prevent interference and not merely for the convenience of the grantor, at the cost and expense of grantee. If grantor orders or requests grantee to relocate its facilities or equipment primarily for non-public purposes or the primary benefit of a commercial or private project, or as a result of the initial request of a commercial or private developer or other nonpublic entity, and such removal is necessary to prevent interference and not merely for the convenience of the grantor or other right-of-way user, grantee shall receive reimbursement for the cost of such relocation as a precondition to relocating its facilities or equipment. Grantor shall consider reasonable alternatives in designing its public works projects so as not arbitrarily to cause grantee unreasonable additional expense in exercising its authority under this section. Grantor shall also provide a reasonable alternative location for grantee's facilities.
(Prior Code, § 7-34) (Ord. 781, passed - -)