(A)   No contractor, builder, or other person shall encumber or obstruct any street, alley, sidewalk, or other public ground or portion thereof in the village with barricades, parking meter covers, temporary structures, tool sheds, office or tool trailers or shanties, building materials, or any other foreign materials which may impede or obstruct traffic or public use of a public way unless the contractor, builder, or other person shall have filed with the Clerk an application for a permit setting forth, among other things, the purpose, the period, and extent of the use desired to be made of the public way, and shall have paid the proper fees. Anyone who obtains such a permit and encumbers or obstructs any street, alley, sidewalk, or other public ground or portion thereof, shall install sufficient barricades, flashing lights, lanterns, channelizing devices, and warning signs. Should the permit also authorize blockade of curb parking, the permittee shall obtain from the appropriate village officer appropriate materials to mount on the parking meters giving notice to the public that the meters have been taken out of service and stating the duration thereof.
   (B)   This section shall not apply during emergency situations involving health and safety. In these cases representatives of public utilities, the Street Department, or any bonded contractor authorized by the Street Department may proceed to correct the emergency situation. But in this case, all persons, including village employees, shall give notice to the Police Department, Fire Department, and Street Department prior to making the obstruction, which notice shall specify the location and purpose thereof, and all persons including village employees shall thereafter, on the next business day, comply with the provisions of §§ 97.016, 97.017, 97.032, and 97.033, and such other provisions of this chapter as may be applicable.
Penalty, see § 97.999