(A)   In no way shall the sketch plan review with the Planning Commission be construed as to constitute approval of the development. The primary purpose of the sketch plan review process is to allow the petitioner to review with the Planning Commission and town staff the general concept of the proposed development and to receive informal feedback as to whether the development appears feasible, whether there appears to be obvious defects in the development scheme, and if the proposed development is in harmony with the town’s General Plan, this chapter and Chapter 152 of this code of ordinances. This meeting is intended to aid the developer in the preparation of the plans and documents before incurring potentially unnecessary expenses of detailed plat and plan preparation.
   (B)   At the conclusion of the sketch plan meeting with the Planning Commission and town staff, if it is determined that a zone change is necessary, an application for the zone change must first be filed by the petitioner together with the fee determined by resolution. Upon receiving approval for a zone change (if necessary), the developer may submit a preliminary plat application to the Town Clerk. Said preliminary plat application shall be attached to all maps, statements, documents and other information required in this chapter, along with the submittal fee required by resolution.
(Ord. 14-11-02, passed 11-14-2002)