The Board of Trustees of the Library, hereinafter referred to as the Board, consists of six resident members and one nonresident member. All resident members are to be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council. The nonresident member is to be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the County Board of Supervisors.
The organization of the Board shall be as follows:
1. Term of Office. All appointments to the Board shall be for six years, except to fill vacancies. Each term shall commence on July 1. Appointments shall be made every two years of one-third the total number or as near as possible, to stagger the terms.
2. Vacancies. The position of any resident Trustee shall be vacated if such member moves permanently from the City. The position of a nonresident Trustee shall be vacated if such member moves permanently from the County or into the City. The position of any Trustee shall be deemed vacated if such member is absent from six consecutive regular meetings of the Board, except in the case of sickness or temporary absence from the City or County. Vacancies in the Board shall be filled in the same manner as an original appointment except that the new Trustee shall fill out the unexpired term for which the appointment is made.
3. Compensation. Trustees shall receive no compensation for their services.
The Board shall have and exercise the following powers and duties:
1. Officers. To meet and elect from its members a President, a Secretary, and such other officers as it deems necessary.
2. Physical Plant. To have charge, control, and supervision of the Library, its appurtenances, fixtures, and rooms containing the same.
3. Charge of Affairs. To direct and control all affairs of the Library.
4. Hiring of Personnel. To employ a Librarian, and authorize the Librarian to employ such assistants and employees as may be necessary for the proper management of the Library, and fix their compensation; provided, however, prior to such employment, the compensation of the Librarian, assistants, and employees shall have been fixed and approved by a majority of the members of the Board voting in favor thereof.
5. Removal of Personnel. To remove the Librarian, by a two-thirds vote of the Board, and provide procedures for the removal of the assistants or employees for misdemeanor, incompetence, or inattention to duty, subject however, to the provisions of Chapter 35C of the Code of Iowa.
6. Purchases. To select, or authorize the Librarian to select, and make purchases of books, pamphlets, magazines, periodicals, papers, maps, journals, other Library materials, furniture, fixtures, stationery, and supplies for the Library within budgetary limits set by the Board.
7. Use by Nonresidents. To authorize the use of the Library by nonresidents and to fix charges therefor unless a contract for free service exists.
8. Rules and Regulations. To make and adopt, amend, modify, or repeal rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this Code of Ordinances and the law, for the care, use, government, and management of the Library and the business of the Board, fixing and enforcing penalties for violations.
9. Expenditures. To have exclusive control of the expenditure of all funds allocated for Library purposes by the Council, and of all moneys available by gift or otherwise for the erection of Library buildings, and of all other moneys belonging to the Library including fines and rentals collected under the rules of the Board.
10. Gifts. To accept gifts of real property, personal property, or mixed property, and devises, and bequests, including trust funds; to take the title to said property in the name of the Library; to execute deeds and bills of sale for the conveyance of said property; and to expend the funds received by them from such gifts, for the improvement of the Library.
11. Enforce the Performance of Conditions on Gifts. To enforce the performance of conditions on gifts, donations, devises, and bequests accepted by the City by action against the Council.
12. Record of Proceedings. To keep a record of its proceedings.
13. County Historical Association. To have authority to make agreements with the local County historical association where such exists, and to set apart the necessary room and to care for such articles as may come into the possession of the association. The Trustees are further authorized to purchase necessary receptacles and materials for the preservation and protection of such articles as are in their judgment of a historical and educational nature and pay for the same out of funds allocated for Library purposes.