The duties of the City Administrator are as follows:
1. To supervise enforcement and execution of this Code of Ordinances, and the policies and Council directives, and to have general supervision and direction of the administration of the City government.
2. To attend all meetings of the Council unless excused therefrom by the Council or the Mayor.
3. To be directly responsible to the Council for the administration of municipal affairs as directed by that body. All City departmental administration requiring the attention of the Council shall be brought before the Council by the City Administrator. Council involvement in administration initiated by the Council must be coordinated through the City Administrator.
4. To supervise and direct the official conduct of all departments and employees of the City.
5. To employ such assistants and other employees of the City for which the Council has approved the position generally and to discharge said assistants or employees found incompetent or derelict in their duties. Employment and discharge at department head level shall be subject to approval by the Council. The power to hire and discharge shall not apply to the City Attorney, but the City Administrator shall report to and advise the Council and Mayor on the performance of the individual filling that position, suggesting recommendations with regard to such person’s employment, all subject to grievance procedures of this Code of Ordinances.
6. To obtain for the City, upon order of the Council, such specialized and professional services deemed necessary by the Council and not already available to the City.
7. To supervise the construction, improvement, repair, maintenance, and management of all City property, capital improvements, and undertakings of the City, except as provided for by the Council in a separate agreement. A report and accounting of all such obligations, agreements, commitments, and contractual relationships involving the City shall be maintained, and a prompt periodic reporting, in writing, shall be given to the Mayor and the Council advising of the status of all such projects. In addition, in the event that there are any major deviations from any agreements, the Council shall receive an immediate report in order that the appropriate action can be taken.
8. To make such investigations into the affairs and conduct of any department, agency, officer, or employee under the supervision of the City Administrator as is necessary or desirable or as so directed by the City Council.
9. To supervise the recording, issuing, and revocation of licenses and permits and to sign the same when authorized by this Code of Ordinances.
10. To keep the Council fully advised of the financial and other conditions of the City and its future needs.
11. To make periodic itemized financial reports, in writing, to the Council.
12. To assemble the department heads’ proposed annual departmental budgets, which proposals shall include projected revenues, proposed expenditures, and salary requirements, and shall thereafter submit said proposed budget on prescribed forms to the Council.
13. To conduct the business affairs of the City and cause accurate records to be kept.
14. To designate one or more City employees to discharge the duties of the office of City Administrator when the City Administrator is absent from his or her position or when the position is vacant. Said designation shall be subject to Council approval.
15. To order to be abated any nuisance as established under this Code of Ordinances. Said order shall be in writing.
16. To direct the purchasing of all commodities, materials, supplies, capital outlay, and services for all departments of the City that have been budgeted and appropriated by appropriate resolution of the Council, and to enforce a program to determine that such purchases are received and are of the quality and character called for in the appropriate purchase order.
17. To assist the Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission in the carrying out of the Comprehensive Plan and to assist in all other forms of planning with the City government.
18. To furnish the goals, as established by the Council and the plans therefor to citizens, businesses, community organizations, boards, and other interested parties. In addition, said person shall coordinate actions of the City with all other communities and regional groups, to be able to share matters of mutual interest or concern.
19. To be in a position to receive all inquiries, concerns, and complaints voiced through residents of the City, elected officials, or other parties, and to take such action as is necessary to make sure that the problems are resolved, and to present to the Council a proper report advising as to the nature and character of any such incident.
20. To constantly work on methods of improving municipal operations, including the adoption of programs, that would be beneficial to the City, and to keep the Council advised of any new developments which would be beneficial to the City (or of some detriment to the City).
21. To perform such other duties as the Council may direct.