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170.01 Title and Purpose
170.50 Improvements For Compliance
170.02 Jurisdiction
170.51 Extent of Improvements Required
170.03 Interpretation of Regulations
170.52 Improvements Required
170.04 Exemptions
170.53 Easements Required
170.05 Plats Within Two-Mile Extraterritorial Area
170.54 Open Space Dedication
170.10 Definitions
170.60 Policy Statement
170.61 Character of Development and Conformance to Comprehensive Plan
170.62 Land Use Consideration and Suitability
170.20 General Requirements
170.63 Land Subject to Flooding (Floodplain Management)
170.21 Classification and Plat Determination
170.64 Design Standards
170.22 Plat of Survey Procedures
170.65 Lot and Block Standards
170.23 Minor Plat Procedures and Requirements
170.66 Easements Required
170.24 Preliminary Plat Procedures and Requirements
170.67 Open Space Required
170.25 Construction Plan, Inspection, and Warranty Procedures
170.68 School and Park Sites Reserved
170.26 Final Plat Procedures and Requirements
170.69 Site and Area Protection
170.70 Reserved
170.30 Planned Unit Development (PUD)
170.31 Cluster PUD Subdivision
170.32 Mixed-Use PUD Subdivision
170.80 Enforcement and Penalties
170.33 Non-residential Development
170.81 Severability
170.82 Conflicting Ordinances
170.40 Reserved
170.83 Exceptions
170.84 Vacation of Plats, Streets, and Other Public Lands
170.85 Amendments
170.86 Fees Established
The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the harmonious development of the City and adjacent territory by establishing appropriate standards for streets, blocks, lots, utilities, and other improvements, by promoting coordination with existing developments, and by establishing procedures and conditions for the approval of subdivisions of land, all in the interest of the health, safety, and general welfare of the community.
The provisions of these regulations shall apply to all land being divided for the creation of lots or parcels for subsequent sale or transfer located within the legal boundaries of the City, and the same as may be amended by subsequent annexation, and shall also include all land within an area extending two miles beyond the City limits other than for agricultural purposes. This chapter applies to all plats, corrections or modifications of plats, and vacations submitted after the date of adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter. This chapter applies to a subdivision consistent with existing law, within a plat, which was recorded after the initial adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter on February 26, 1967.
The terms of this chapter shall be controlling, unless other regulations, ordinances, deed restrictions, covenants, or easements are more restrictive, in which case, the most restrictive provisions shall control, unless those provisions are illegal or unconstitutional. Reference numbers to the Code of Iowa sections are those in effect on the day of the adoption of this chapter. Future changes in the numbering of the Code of Iowa sections are intended to be incorporated herein by reference without future amendment of this chapter. Amendments to the Code of Iowa sections which are the same or substantially similar to those in effect on the date of the adoption of this chapter are incorporated by this reference. These Code of Iowa references are for the convenience and continuity of enforcement and shall in no event be construed to make this chapter (or any part thereof) invalid.
170.04   EXEMPTIONS.
The following subdivisions of land, transactions, or conveyances shall be exempt or partially exempt from the provisions of this chapter and except as required by the Code of Iowa:
1.   The division of land into burial lots in a cemetery.
2.   The division of land where all new lots or parcels are utilized for agricultural purposes, all of which are 35 acres or more in area, which have 300 feet or more of street or road frontage, and which do not involve the creation of any new street or road, easement, or other dedication of any kind required by this chapter.
3.   The public acquisition of land, or an easement for the addition of a street or other public works installation. The acquisition plat utilized shall be exempt and comply with the submission of items as required in Chapter 354.4[3] through [5] of the Code of Iowa.
4.   An Auditor’s Plat (Subdivision Plat) and Auditor’s Plat of Survey shall be exempt from all submission requirements and any fees and reviewed under Sections 170.22(3) and 170.26(3) of this chapter and submit items required in Chapter 354 of the Code of Iowa.
5.   Plat of Survey for, and or written description, of easements for public utilities utilization.
6.   Documents and plats filed for corrections on recorded plats and re-plat of Official Plats shall utilize only those procedures required to process the affidavits, petitions, or plats as outlined in Chapter 354.24 through 354.26 of the Code of Iowa.
7.   Retracement Plat of Survey.
8.   Other situations as determined appropriate by the City.