If the abutting property owner does not maintain sidewalks as required, the Council may serve notice on such owner, by certified mail, requiring the owner to repair, replace or reconstruct sidewalks within a reasonable time and if such action is not completed within the time stated in the notice, the Council may require the work to be done and assess the costs against the abutting property for collection in the same manner as a property tax.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12[2d and e])
The Council may order the construction of permanent sidewalks upon any street or court in the City and may specially assess the cost of such improvement to abutting property owners in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 384 of the Code of Iowa.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 384.38)
Sidewalks repaired, replaced, or constructed under the provisions of this chapter shall be of the following construction and meet the following standards:
1. Cement. Portland cement shall be the only cement used in the construction and repair of sidewalks.
2. Construction. Sidewalks shall be of one-course construction.
3. Sidewalk Base. Concrete may be placed directly on compact and well- drained soil. Where soil is not well drained, a three-inch sub-base of compact, clean, coarse gravel or sand shall be laid. The adequacy of the soil drainage is to be determined by the City.
4. Sidewalk Bed. The sidewalk bed shall be so graded that the constructed sidewalk will be at established grade.
5. Length, Width and Depth. Length, width and depth requirements are as follows:
A. Residential sidewalks shall be at least five feet wide and four inches thick, and each section shall be no more than four feet in length.
B. Business District sidewalks shall extend from the property line to the curb. Each section shall be four inches thick and no more than six feet in length.
C. Driveway areas shall be not less than six inches in thickness.
6. Location. Residential sidewalks shall be located with the inner edge (edge nearest the abutting private property) three inches outside the property line, unless the Council establishes a different distance due to special circumstances.
7. Grade. Curb tops shall be on level with the centerline of the street, which is the established grade.
8. Elevations. The street edge of a sidewalk shall be at an elevation even with the curb at the curb or not less than one-half inch above the curb for each foot between the curb and the sidewalk.
9. Slope. All sidewalks shall slope one-fourth inch per foot toward the curb.
10. Finish. All sidewalks shall be finished with a broom finish or wood float finish.
11. Curb Ramps and Sloped Areas for Persons with Disabilities. If a street, road, or highway is newly built or reconstructed, a curb ramp or sloped area shall be constructed or installed at each intersection of the street, road, or highway with a sidewalk or path. If a sidewalk or path is newly built or reconstructed, a curb ramp or sloped area shall be constructed or installed at each intersection of the sidewalk or path with a street, highway, or road. Curb ramps and sloped areas that are required pursuant to this subsection shall be constructed or installed in compliance with applicable federal requirements adopted in accordance with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act, including (but not limited to) the guidelines issued by the Federal Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 216C.9)
Whenever any material of any kind is deposited on any street, avenue, highway, passageway or alley when sidewalk improvements are being made or when any sidewalk is in a dangerous condition, it shall be the duty of all persons having an interest therein, either as the contractor or the owner, agent, or lessee of the property in front of or along which such material may be deposited, or such dangerous condition exists, to put in conspicuous places at each end of such sidewalk and at each end of any pile of material deposited in the street, a sufficient number of approved warning lights or flares, and to keep them lighted during the entire night and to erect sufficient barricades both at night and in the daytime to secure the same. The party or parties using the street for any of the purposes specified in this chapter shall be liable for all injuries or damage to persons or property arising from any wrongful act or negligence of the party or parties, or their agents or employees or for any misuse of the privileges conferred by this chapter or of any failure to comply with provisions hereof.
It is the duty of the owner of the property abutting the sidewalk, or the owner’s contractor or agent, to notify the City immediately in the event of failure or inability to make necessary sidewalk improvements or to install or erect necessary barricades as required by this chapter.
No person shall knowingly or willfully drive any vehicle upon any portion of any sidewalk or approach thereto while in the process of being improved or upon any portion of any completed sidewalk or approach thereto, or shall remove or destroy any part or all of any sidewalk or approach thereto, or shall remove, destroy, mar, or deface any sidewalk at any time or destroy, mar, remove, or deface any notice provided by this chapter.