The City shall not, pursuant to Chapter 480A.6 of the Code of Iowa, impose or charge right-of-way management fees upon the Company or fees for permits for Company construction, maintenance, repairs, excavation, pavement cutting, or inspections of Company work sites and projects or related matters.
This chapter sets forth and constitutes the entire agreement between the Company and the City with respect to the rights contained herein, and may not be superseded, modified, or otherwise amended without the approval and acceptance of the Company. Upon written acceptance by the Company, this chapter shall supersede, abrogate, and repeal the prior gas system ordinance between the Company and the City as of the date this franchise ordinance is accepted by the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the City enact any ordinance or place any limitations, either operationally or through the assessment of fees other than those approved and accepted by the Company within this chapter, that create additional burdens upon the Company or which delay utility operations.