1. No golf cart shall be operated or parked upon City sidewalks or trails.
2. No golf cart shall be operated while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, narcotics, or habit forming drugs.
3. No person shall operate a golf cart in a careless, reckless, or negligent manner endangering the person or property of another or causing injury or damage to same.
4. No golf cart shall carry more passengers than such golf cart is designed for.
5. No golf cart may be operated by any minor under the age of 16, even if an adult is present.
6. No golf cart may have more than one person behind the steering wheel when in operation.
7. No person shall ride on, and no operator shall allow a person to ride on any portion of the golf cart, not designed or intended for the conveyance of passengers.
Golf carts operated upon City streets shall be equipped with a minimum of the following safety features:
1. A slow-moving vehicle sign, with a City-issued permit sticker as indicated in section 81.09 The sign can be no less in size than, 16-inch in width and 14-inch in height.
2. A bicycle safety flag, the top of which shall be a minimum of five feet above ground level.
3. Adequate brakes.
4. Headlights and taillights.
A. Aftermarket headlights and taillights may be installed on a golf cart.
B. Headlights must always remain in use during operations
No person shall operate a golf cart on any public street or alley, for any purpose, unless the golf cart has a permit to operate on City streets, issued by the City Clerk. Any person that doesn't have a driver’s license with a City address (within City Limits) is not eligible to apply for a golf cart permit within.
1. Golf cart owners must have a driver's license that possesses a City address (within City Limits) and apply for a permit from the City Clerk on forms provided by the City.
2. The Clerk shall not issue a permit until the owner/operator has provided the following:
A. Evidence that the operator is at least 16 years of age, and possesses a valid Iowa driver’s license with an address indicating that the owner lives within Kalona City Limits.
B. Proof that owner/operator has liability insurance covering operation of golf carts on City streets in the amount required by the Code of Iowa.
3. All permits shall be issued for a specific golf cart. Permit holders will be issued a number and a sticker to be placed on the lower center of the slow-moving vehicle sign (as not to cover the reflective border) or similar component.
4. The fee for a new permit is $25.00. Permits will be granted for one year valid from January 1 through December 31. Permits may be purchased at anytime during the year but will be valid only through December 31.
5. For annual permit renewals, the owner must register with the City but the cart is not required to be inspected if the golf cart is the same as the previous year and has all the requirements. No fee is due if renewal registration is completed by March 1, of the renewal year. If a new cart would be purchased, then an inspection would have to be completed and a new cart fee of $25.00 would be required.
6. The permit may be suspended or revoked upon finding evidence that the permit holder has violated the conditions of the permit or has abused the privilege of being a permit holder. This will be decided by the Council. There will be no refund of the permit fee.