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Sec. 3-476.  Definition.
   As used in this article, "hospital" means any institution, place, building or agency, public or private, whether organized for profit or not, devoted primarily to the maintenance and operation of facilities for the diagnosis and treatment or care of two (2) or more unrelated persons admitted for overnight stay or longer in order to obtain medical, including obstetric, psychiatric and nursing, care of illness, disease, injury, infirmity, or deformity. The term "hospital," without regard to length of stay, shall also include:
      (1)    Any facility which is devoted primarily to providing psychiatric and related services and programs for the diagnosis and treatment or care of two (2) or more unrelated persons suffering from emotional or nervous diseases;
      (2)    All places where pregnant females are received, cared for, or treated during delivery irrespective of the number of patients received.
   The term "hospital" includes general and specialized hospitals, tuberculosis sanitaria, mental or psychiatric hospitals and sanitaria, and includes maternity homes, lying-in homes, and homes for unwed mothers in which care is given during delivery.
(Code 1972, § 6-14-1)