The following acts are declared to be unlawful:
   (A)   Radios, television sets, musical instruments, tape or record players, amplifiers and similar devices. Operating or permitting the use or operation of any such device in such a manner to be plainly audible to any persons on or in an adjoining property, apartment, office, structure, sidewalk, or vehicle shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this chapter;
   (B)   Domestic power tools. Operating or permitting the use or operation of any mechanically powered saw, drill, sander, grinder, lawn or garden tool, lawnmower, snow blower, or similar device used outdoors between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. in such a manner that will disturb or annoy any reasonable person nearby;
   (C)   Construction. Operating or permitting the operation of any tool or equipment used in construction, drilling, or demolition between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. in such a manner that will disturb or annoy any reasonable person nearby;
   (D)   Horns and signaling devices. Operating a horn or other audible signaling device on any motor vehicle except in an emergency or when required by law;
   (E)   Participation in noisy parties or gatherings. Participation in any party or gathering giving rise to noise that is plainly audible across property boundaries or in such a manner to be plainly audible to any persons on or in an adjoining property, apartment, office, or structure shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this chapter;
   (F)   Animals. Harboring or keeping any animal which by causing frequent or long continued noise disturbs or annoys any reasonable person nearby; or
   (G)   Adjacent to certain institutions. The creation of any loud and raucous noise on any street adjacent to any school, rest home, nursing home, church, or court while the same are in use, or adjacent to any hospital, which unreasonably interferes with the workings of such institution, or which unduly disturbs the patients in the hospital; provided that conspicuous signs are displayed in such streets indicating that the same is a school, hospital, or court street.
(Ord. 11-1999, passed 11-23-1999) Penalty, see § 95.99