(A)   If the monthly stormwater user fee is not paid by the due date, as stated on the Department’s fee invoice, which may be combined with and made a part of the city billing issued, a late charge of 10% shall be assessed, or other collection options of a lien filing and any other cost of collection, if any including reasonable attorney’s fees.
   (B)   No adjustment to the stormwater fee may be made unless in error of billing.
   (C)   This section went into full force and effect January 2020, or will as the billing vendor can install program.
   (D)   Customers have the right to appeal in accordance to the utilities appeal process under §§ 50.15 through 50.30.
   (E)   (1)   The stormwater fee helps fund the city’s drainage projects, storm sewer maintenance, stormwater program, and new stormsewer construction.
      (2)   The stormwater fee was adopted to provide a perpetual, dedicated source of funding. The chart below shows the stormwater rates effective as of January 2020. On January 1 each year after, rates will automatically increase by 5% from the previous year’s fee.
Property Type
Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU)
Monthly Fee
Multi-family (per dwelling unit)
Non-residential (apartments complex, commercial, schools, churches, industrial, tax-exempt properties, and agricultural)
Impervious area 3,500
$2 x ERU (but no less than $2, unless unimproved)
Single-family residence (residential or agricultural)
Unimproved Properties ($3 per square foot of impervious, applies to all property types)
* Non-residential properties that have greater than 300 square feet and less than 3,500 square feet will be charged a minimum of $2, or equivalent to one ERU.
      (1)   Non-residential example: Property containing 7,000 square feet would be divided by 3,500 (2 ERUs) and then multiplied by $2 to get the total monthly amount of $4.
      (2)   Apartment fee billings: Apartment complexes are considered non-residential, so the fee for the overall complex will vary based on the non-residential fee calculation. The fee will be added to the main complex utility billing account. Apartment residents should contact their apartment office to determine how this fee will be applied.
(Ord. 13-2019, passed 12-23-2019)