Sec. 18-73. - Standards.
   The following shall be standards for posting of house numbers under this division:
   (1)   The minimum height of the numbers placed on a house, building, manufactured home lot/site, or unit shall not be less than three inches; however, the building number of an apartment, townhouse, or condominium complex shall be not less than six inches high and shall be placed either in the approximate center of the building or on the street end of the building so that it is clearly visible from either the public or private street by which it is accessed.
   (2)   Numbers shall be displayed in numeric format, not in script.
   (3)   The house or building numbers, except in case of manufactured home park lots/sites, shall be maintained within a three-foot perimeter of an entrance whereby they are visible and readable from the street or road on which it fronts. However, if a building is not visible for 100 feet from the public street or road on which it fronts or the lot on which the building is located is landscaped in such a manner that the numbers cannot be seen from the public street or road, the assigned building number shall also be posted on the property at or near the property line at a driveway entrance or access to the structure.
   (4)   A sign displaying the property number or street address of a manufactured home park shall be erected and displayed at the driveway entrance of the manufactured home park. Lots or sites within the manufactured home park shall be marked in a uniform manner within the park by placement at or near the individual manufactured home a pedestal or post, no less than three feet nor higher than five feet above ground level, containing the assigned number of the individual manufactured home. If an individual mailbox is placed at the manufactured home lot/site, the number shall be displayed on such mailbox. If a central cluster postal box site is provided, the assigned lot/site number shall also be displayed on the individual boxes of the cluster. If the manufactured home rests on a permanent foundation, the structure may be marked in accordance with subsection (3) of this section.
   (5)   The color of the numbers placed on a structure or pedestal shall be in contrast to the color scheme of the house, building, manufactured home or pedestal so that the number is clearly visible and shall be maintained in a clearly visible manner. The building inspector shall not issue a certificate of occupancy or a certificate of compliance until the assigned number is posted in accordance with this section.
   (6)   Following the posting of the assigned number as required in section 18-71, the owner or occupant shall maintain such house or building number at all times in compliance with the standards of this section. Building numbers shall not be obstructed from view by shrubs or vegetation as viewed from the public road.
(Ord. of 5-4-1992)