(a) Intent. The general business district (GB) is intended to provide for the development of commercial and service centers that are accessible to the general public and from surrounding neighborhoods. Businesses in this district are intended to serve the daily convenience and personal service needs of an immediate area, and countywide or regional commercial and service needs.
(b) Permitted uses. See section 14-90 for table of permitted uses as a principal use in the general business district.
(1) Additional specifications.
a. Accessory uses and structures are permitted when located on the same lot as the principal use, within the zoned area.
b. Outdoor storage must be enclosed by an eight-foot fence; fencing must be opaque or sufficiently screened.
(c) Conditional zoning districts. For the general business district, a parallel conditional zoning district is authorized for establishment, pursuant to G.S. 160D-703. See section 14-90 for table of uses as a special use in the general business special use district.
(1) Additional specifications:.
a. [Accessory uses and structures.] Accessory uses and structures are permitted when located on the same lot as the principal use, within the zoned area.
b. [Outdoor storage.] Outdoor storage must be enclosed by an eight-foot fence; fencing must be opaque or sufficiently screened.
c. Public/private utility facilities. Public works and public and private facilities such as water and sewage plants, transformer stations, transmission lines, pumping stations, water towers, and telephone exchanges, provided:
(i.) Such facilities are essential to the service of the area.
(ii.) No vehicles or materials shall be stored on the premises, and no offices shall be permitted.
(iii.) All buildings shall be set back at least 20 feet from all property lines and shall be designed and landscaped with a buffer strip in such a way as to blend in with the surrounding area.
(iv.) All dangerous apparatus shall be enclosed by a screen fence or wall at least eight feet in height.
(d) Minimum building setback requirements. The minimum building setback requirements in the general business district shall be as follows:
(1) From any arterial or collector street right-of-way, 40 feet.
(2) From any local street right-of-way, 30 feet.
(3) From an interior lot line adjacent to commercial or industrial zoning, ten feet.
(4) From any interior lot line adjacent to residential zoning, 20 feet.
(5) From any access easement, 15 feet.
The setback requirement applies to all accessory structures, including gasoline pumps, underground storage tanks, canopies and other similar structures.
(e) Maximum building height requirements. The maximum building height for buildings in the general business district:
(1) Adjacent to a residential zoning district shall be 40 feet.
(2) Adjacent to a nonresidential zoning district, no height restrictions.
(Ord. of 7-11-2000, § 4.4.7; Ord. of 7-9-2001; Amend. of 3-8-2004; Amend. of 7-12-2004, § B); Amend. of 5-1-2006(2); Amend. of 12-06-2010; Amend. of 9-6-2011)
Cross reference—Businesses, ch. 6.