The following principal uses are hereby permitted:
   (A)   B-1 Business District uses;
   (B)   Bus terminal;
   (C)   Business or trade schools;
   (D)   Cabinet shop, electrical, heating, air conditioning or plumbing shop, furniture upholstering shop only when operated in conjunction with a retail business on the premises, printing, publishing, engraving or lithographing shop, laundry and dry cleaning shop, and similar establishments, but not within 100 feet of any R District;
   (E)   Dance hall, bar or cocktail lounge, night club and similar enterprises but not within 100 feet of any R District;
   (F)   Department stores;
   (G)   Hotels;
   (H)   Meeting halls, clubs and fraternal organizations;
   (I)   Music and dancing studios;
   (J)   Public parking lots, customer and other accessory parking areas, subject to the applicable provisions of § 155.215;
   (K)   Radio and other wireless broadcasting stations or studios, not including transmitting towers; and
   (L)   Other business, professional or service establishments, or retail or wholesale business, except the uses first permitted in the M-1 District, unless authorized by the Board of Appeals as provided hereinafter under § 155.146(B), and except such as are expressly prohibited hereinafter under § 155.148.
(1999 Code, § 40-11-1) (Ord. 334, passed 10-26-1964)