(A)   Off-street parking areas and loading spaces.
      (1)   In all districts, in connection with every building or part thereof hereafter erected, having a gross floor area of 10,000 square feet or more, which is to be occupied by uses requiring the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained on the same premises with such building at least one off-street loading space accessible from an alley, easement of access, or, when there is no such alley or easement of access, from a street, plus one additional such loading space for each 20,000 square feet or major fraction thereof of gross floor area so used in excess of 20,000 square feet. Such space may occupy all, or any part of any required rear yard, or, upon authorization of the Board of Appeals, any part of any other yard or court space.
      (2)   In all districts, except B-2, off-street accessory parking areas, in the open or in a garage, should be provided in connection with the uses set forth hereinafter and to the extent indicated therewith, in addition to the above required loading and unloading spaces. Such areas, in the case of R Districts and for dwellings in other districts, should be on the premises intended to be served; and in the case of other districts, and in connection with uses other than dwellings, such areas should be on the premises intended to be served or on adjoining or nearby property within 100 feet of any part of said premises and in the same or a less restricted district.
(1999 Code, § 40-15-1)
   (B)   Number of parking spaces required.
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Automobile or machinery sales and service garages
1 for each 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area plus 1 for each full-time employee
Banks, business and professional offices
1 for each 200 sq. ft. of floor area
Bowling alleys
3 for each alley
Churches and schools
1 for each 4 seats in principal auditorium
Convenience stores; drug, grocery, hardware and similar stores
1 for each 300 sq. ft. of floor area devoted to sales, plus 1 for each full-time employee
Dance halls and assembly halls without fixed seats
1 for each 50 sq. ft. of floor area used for assembly or dancing
Drive-in eating establishments
Not less than 1/3 of the total ground area be devoted exclusively to parking and accessways
1 for each dwelling unit
Food pickup establishments
Minimum of 1, plus 1 for each 100 sq. ft. of floor area
Funeral homes, mortuaries
6 per chapel room or parlor, or 1 per 50 sq. ft. of rooms used for services, whichever is greater
Hospitals, nursing homes and similar care centers
1 for each 5 beds, plus 1 for each 2 doctors and employees
Manufacturing plants, research or testing laboratories, bottling plants
1 for each 3 employees on maximum working shift
Hotels, clubs and lodging houses
1 for each 2 bedrooms
Medical or dental clinics
1 for each 200 sq. ft. of floor area, plus 1 for each full-time employee and 1 for each doctor
Motels or motor hotels
1 for each unit, plus 1 for each 2 employees on maximum shift
Motor fuel stations
1 for each employee on duty plus 2 for each service bay
Service establishments
Barber shops
2 for each chair, plus 1 for each 2 employees on maximum shift
Beauty shops
1 for each dryer plus 1 for each 2 employees on maximum shift
   Coin-operated laundries and/or dry cleaning establishments
1 for each 3 washers and/or cleaning machine, plus 1 for each 2 employees on maximum shift
1 for each 3 seats plus 1 for each 2 employees on maximum shift
Shopper’s goods; appliance, household equipment, furniture and similar stores
1 for each 500 sq. ft. of floor area, plus 1 for each full-time employee
Taverns or bars
1 for each 2 seats, plus 1 for each 2 employees on maximum shift
1 for each 4 seats
Wholesale establishments
1 for each 4 employees on maximum working shift
In the case of any use which is not specifically mentioned herein, the provisions for a similar use which is mentioned should apply
(1999 Code, § 40-15-2)
   (C)   Units of measurement for parking spaces.
      (1)   Parking space. Each parking space shall be not less than eight and one-half feet wide and 20 feet long, or not less than 170 square feet in area exclusive of access drives or aisles and in no case shall any portion of the public right-of-way be used for required off-street parking.
      (2)   Loading space. Each loading space shall not be less than ten feet wide, 40 feet in length and 14 feet in height, exclusive of access and turning areas.
      (3)   Floor area. In the case of offices, merchandising or service types of uses, FLOOR AREA shall mean the gross floor area used or intended to be used by tenants, or for service to the public as customers, patrons, clients or patient including areas occupied by fixtures and equipment used for display or sale of merchandise. It shall not include areas used principally for non-public purposes, such as storage, incidental repair, processing or packaging of merchandise, for show windows, for offices incidental to the management or maintenance of stores or buildings, for toilet or rest rooms, for utilities, or for dressing rooms, fitting or alteration rooms.
      (4)   Hospital bassinets. In hospitals, bassinets should not be counted as beds.
      (5)   Benches in place of public assembly. In stadiums, sports arenas, churches and other places of public assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews or other similar seating facilities, each 20 inches of such seating facilities should be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining requirements for off-street parking facilities under this report.
(1999 Code, § 40-15-3)
   (D)   Development standards. Off-street accessory parking areas shall be of usable shape, and shall be improved in accordance with requirements of the community with a durable and dustless surface and so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulation within the area. Any lighting used to illuminate such parking areas should be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining premises in any R District.
(1999 Code, § 40-15-4)
   (E)   Variance of standards. The Board of Appeals may on appeal authorize a modification, reduction or waiver of the foregoing requirements, if it shall find that in the particular case the peculiar nature of the use, or other exceptional situation or condition would justify such modification, reduction or waiver.
(1999 Code, § 40-15-5)
(Ord. 334, passed 10-26-1964)