(A)   Fees established. Any nonresident of the city who requires service from the City Fire Department, first responders personnel and city emergency equipment is used, while within the corporate limits of the city, shall pay the charges in division (B) below as they apply.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-30)
   (B)   Nonresident fees. Any nonresident of the city who requires service from the City Fire Department, first responders and city emergency equipment is used, while outside the corporate limits of the city, shall pay the charges below as they apply.
      (1)   All Fire Department and first responders rescue van vehicle: no more than $125 per hour per vehicle.
      (2)   Off duty personnel: no more than $35 per hour per personnel including overtime.
      (3)   Other personnel: regular salary, but no more than $35 per hour per personnel.
      (4)   Volunteer Fire Department: regular compensation at their compensation level per volunteer.
      (5)   Equipment: actual or reasonable charge subject to change due to increase in costs.
      (6)   Supplies: actual or reasonable charge subject to change due to increase in cost.
      (7)   Note: a minimum of one hour shall be charged for all vehicles and personnel on each call.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-31)
   (C)   Fees on file. A current price list of charges for division (B) above shall be maintained at the Fire Department and on file with the City Clerk and City Treasurer.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-32)
   (D)   Patient privacy. Patient Privacy Act, otherwise known as the Health Insurance Portability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), set forth primarily in separate sections of 42 U.S.C. §§ 201 et seq., shall be observed in all medical emergencies when a patient is involved.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-33)
   (E)   Mutual aid calls. There shall be no charge on any and all mutual aid calls.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-34)
   (F)   Hazardous materials.
      (1)   The Fire Department is authorized and directed to respond immediately upon being notified, and to do all things within its capabilities to contain, remove and dispose of any materials hazardous to public health and safety that is leaked, spilled or otherwise improperly released within or outside the corporate limits of the city.
      (2)   Should such response require the services of special personnel and equipment beyond the capabilities of the Fire Department to provide, the Chief of the Fire Department is authorized to obtain or to contract for services of personnel or equipment sufficient to contain, remove and dispose of such hazardous materials.
      (3)   The cost incurred for the use of such special personnel and equipment, in addition to the cost of the use of the city personnel and equipment, shall be charged to the person, firm or organization, jointly and severally, in possession of, in the process of transporting or otherwise responsible for the containment of any hazardous materials spilled, leaked or otherwise improperly released.
      (4)   The amount of the costs incurred by the city from the use of special personnel and equipment is the amount to be charged the person, firm or organization designated in division (F)(3) above. In addition, such person, firm or organization shall be charged for the use of city personnel, equipment and materials as follows with a minimum of one hour to be charged for all vehicles and personnel used at the scene.
         (a)   All Fire Department and first responders rescue van vehicle: all as stated in division (B) above.
         (b)   Off-duty personnel call back: all as stated in division (B) above.
         (c)   Other personnel: all as stated in division (B) above.
         (d)   Volunteer Fire Department personnel: all as stated in division (B) above.
         (e)   Materials used: actual cost.
         (f)   Other equipment: actual or reasonable cost.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-35)
   (G)   Billing and collection procedure. All revenue from charges assessed pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the General Fund of the city.
      (1)   The Fire Chief, if at the scene, shall be responsible for the collection of all information required and a list of the supplies used. If the Fire Chief is unavailable, the firefighter/first responder, in charge of that scene, shall assume this responsibility and supply such information as listed above to the Fire Chief in a timely manner.
      (2)   The Fire Chief shall then check all charges and information and submit such to City Clerk within five days of the fire/accident. This information shall contain:
         (a)   Name, address and phone number of the owner of home/vehicle;
         (b)   Name, address and phone number of the driver, firm or organization;
         (c)   Name, address and phone number of the insurance company;
         (d)   Information must show if fire/accident/medical emergency was within or outside the corporate city;
         (e)   All charges for fire vehicles, equipment, supplies used and the number of personnel and the amount of pay for each personnel and volunteers; and
         (f)   A minimum charge of one hour shall be charged for all vehicles and personnel.
      (3)   The City Clerk shall then issue a bill of all charges to the responsible party in the manner below.
         (a)   The first notice will state they have 30 days to pay.
         (b)   After 30 days and no restitution has been made, a past due notice shall be mailed and must be paid within 30 days of date of past due notice.
         (c)   If the bill is not paid after the past due notice, a delinquent notice shall be mailed stating: “if this bill is hot paid within 30 days of the date of bill, this will be turned over to the City Attorney for collection.”
         (d)   If payment is not made, the City Attorney shall then send notice of collection which shall state they have ten days of the date of notice to pay all charges. See division (G)(5) below.
      (4)   The City Treasurer shall be informed of notices and inform City Clerk when payment is received and keep all records of payments and be deposited in the General Fund as stipulated in 65 ILCS 5/11-5-7.2 and 11-6.1-1 (Public Act 093-0304, § 2-d).
      (5)   The Mayor with the Chairperson of the Finance and Safety Committee shall have the sole authority to adjust or waive charges before the bill is turned over to the City Attorney as stipulated in division (G)(3)(d) above.
      (6)   All records shall be accurate and up-to-date by the City Clerk, Treasurer and Fire Chief.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-36) (Ord. 07-04, passed 4-27-2004)