(A) Enforcement of laws. It shall be the function and duty of the Fire Department and every member thereof to extinguish accidental or destructive fires, to prevent the occurrence or spread of fires, to enforce all ordinances relating to the occurrence or spread of such fires.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-11)
(B) Obeying orders at fire. No firefighter in attendance at a fire shall neglect or refuse to obey the orders of the officer in command at such fires.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-12)
(C) Failure to follow orders. Every male person above the age of 21 years who shall be present at a fire shall be subject to the orders of the officer in command at such fire and shall render all the assistance in his or her power, and in such manner as he or she may be directed, in the extinguishment of the fire and in the removal of and protection of property, and any person refusing to obey such orders shall, upon conviction, be fined as provided in Chapters 30 and 31; provided, no person shall be bound to obey any such officer, unless such officer’s official character shall be known or made known to such person.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-13)
(D) Duty to enforce. It shall be the duty of all officers of the Fire Department and all police officers to see that the provisions of this code are enforced and to arrest on view any person who shall be found violating any of the provisions of this subchapter or who shall hinder, resist or refuse to obey any such officer in the discharge of his or her duty, and to that end, all such officers are hereby vested with the usual power and authority of police officers.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-14)
(E) Illegal use of equipment. No person shall use any fire engine or any other apparatus belonging to the municipality for any private purpose, other than the extinguishment of fires; nor shall any person remove the same or any part-thereof from its place of deposit or, having the control thereof, shall permit such engine or other apparatus to be used for any private purpose other than the extinguishment of fires.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-15)
(F) Fire hydrants. No person shall, in any manner, obstruct the use of any fire hydrant, or have or place any material in front thereof, or within five feet from either side thereof. No person shall, without lawful authority, take water from any public fire plug or hydrant or remove the cover therefrom.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-16) (Ord. 10-81, passed - -)
(G) Outside service. The Fire Department shall not leave the city in rendering service under this subchapter at any time when it is actually responding to an alarm within the city or fighting a fire therein, and no service shall be rendered to premises outside the city unless at the time one complete unit of firefighting apparatus and sufficient members of the Fire Department to operate it remain in the city. See division (O) below.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-17)
(H) Impersonating firefighters. No person, not a member of the Fire Department, shall impersonate a firefighter or officer of the Fire Department by wearing a cap or badge thereof, or in any other way.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-18)
(I) Crossing fire hose. No person shall ride or drive any vehicle of any kind or description upon, across or over any fire hose or other fire apparatus belonging to, or used by the city.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-19)
(J) Obstructing street. No vehicle shall be driven or parked in a street or alley contiguous to a fire so as to obstruct or block such street or alley.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-20)
(K) Hindering firefighters. It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder any officer, firefighter or member of the Fire Department in the performance of duty while at a fire.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-21)
(L) Removal of property salvaged at fires. No person shall be entitled to take away any property in the possession of the Fire Department, saved from any fire, until proof of ownership is made to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief, or other officer in command, and his or her consent obtained thereto.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-22)
(M) Access to burned buildings. Whenever the Fire Chief deems it necessary for the public safety or in order to avoid destruction of evidence that may be present for an investigation into the cause of a fire, he or she may restrict or prohibit access into or near any building or structure damaged by a fire. Any person not obeying such restriction or prohibition shall be in violation of this subchapter.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-23)
(N) Destruction or removal of buildings. The Mayor or the officer in command at any fire may direct the tearing down, removal or destruction by any proper means of any building, fence or erection when he or she shall deem it necessary for the purpose of checking the progress of the fire.
(1999 Code, § 30-5-24)
(O) Outside service; White Ash.
(1) The city hereby authorized the City Fire Department, in accordance with division (G) above, to respond to and service fire calls within the Village of White Ash, Illinois, in accordance with an agreement to be executed by the parties.
(2) The Mayor of the city is authorized to execute the agreement between the city and the Village of White Ash to provide said fire protection service to the Village of White Ash.
(1999 Code, Ch. 30, App. A)
(Ord. 16-79, passed - -; Ord. 12-92, passed 11-24-1992)