1. The following standards and criteria shall apply to home occupations.
A. The home occupation shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the residential occupancy of a dwelling unit located upon the property.
B. The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within an existing dwelling unit, or, conducted entirely and confined within accessory detached buildings located upon the property.
C. The home occupation shall be conducted by members of the family residing within the dwelling unit located on the property and no more than one non-resident employee.
D. There shall be no evidence of such occupation being conducted within the dwelling unit or accessory buildings, which is perceivable at or beyond the lot lines, by virtue of: outside storage, displays, noise, odors, smoke, vibration, heat, dust, electrical disturbances, or excessive traffic generation.
E. Water, sewer, and waste disposal systems shall be subject to approval of the City Council.
F. Customer parking shall be provided and be as inconspicuous as possible on the premises.
G. The home occupation shall occupy less than 50 percent of the floor area of the dwelling unit in which it is located.
H. Accessory buildings being used for home occupations shall meet the accessory building requirements outlined in Section 165A.13.
2. Sign Regulations. Only one identification sign may be displayed upon the lot, subject to the following requirements.
A. Contains only the name of the occupant and the nature of the occupation.
B. Shall not contain more than four square feet and shall be attached to the principal building.
C. Shall not be illuminated.
D. If located along a State or federal highway, an Iowa Department of Transportation permit must be obtained.
3. Permit Process. An initial application for a home occupation or home industry permit shall be completed by the property owner and presented to the City staff for review and consideration. The staff shall also charge an initial non-refundable fee, per Section 165B.15 of the Zoning Code, that is to be collected with the completed application. When reviewing the application, the City staff shall consider the provisions of the Zoning Code as well as the effect of the proposed home occupation or home industry upon the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, public utility infrastructure, and other matters pertaining to the general welfare of the City.
A. If approved or issued by the City staff, a home occupation or home industry permit will be valid until the home occupation or home industry ceases, or the property changes ownership. Because operating a home occupation or home industry is a privilege, a previously approved application may be revoked by the City Council upon substantiated complaint of the surrounding neighborhood, or upon violation of this Code of Ordinances.
B. If denied by the City staff or revoked by the City Council, a property owner must wait for a period of one year before reapplying for a home occupation or home industry permit.