1. Residential and Commercial Districts.
A. General Provisions. No accessory building or structure shall be erected in any front yard. Accessory buildings or structures shall be no closer than five feet from any principal buildings. The maximum per lot area of all detached garages, carports, and accessory buildings shall be a maximum of 1,296 square feet. Nothing in this section shall preclude a garage of 440 square feet from being constructed on a lot of record, as herein defined.
B. Time of Construction. No garage, accessory building, or structure shall be constructed on any lot prior to the completion of the foundation of the principal building to which it is accessory. In situations where an accessory building is to be built on a vacant lot that is contiguous to the lot of the principal building, and where both lots are held in common ownership, a deed restriction on both lots may be used to satisfy this requirement.
C. Percentage of Rear Yard Occupied Within a Residential District. No combination of detached accessory buildings shall occupy more than 30 percent of the area of a rear yard.
D. Height of Accessory Buildings Within an Residential District. No detached accessory building or structure shall exceed 24 feet in height (measured from the door sill to its highest point), and the side walls shall not exceed 12 feet in height.
2. Agricultural Districts.
A. General Provisions. No accessory building or structure shall be erected in any front yard. Accessory buildings or structures shall be no closer than five feet from any principal buildings. The maximum area of any detached garage, carport, or accessory building shall be a maximum of 2,000 square feet. Accessory buildings or structures greater than 1,296 square feet shall be no closer than 20 feet from any residential district.
B. Percentage of Rear Yard Occupied Within an Agricultural District. No combination of detached accessory buildings shall occupy more than 10 percent of the area of the rear and side yards, excluding any land used for agricultural purposes including cultivated fields, pastures, and unimproved land.