A.   Existing Roadways: On existing roadways, when the owner requests to have parking on the city right of way and in the area adjacent to his property, the following shall apply:
      1.   The owner will contact the city to verify that the proposed parking area will not create traffic problems. (Ord. 1321, 7-25-2000)
      2.   The owner may place the concrete pad using a contractor or his own labor and pay all costs of materials.
      3.   The owner may request to have city employees place the concrete and have the material billed to him. If the owner chooses this option, the request will be placed on a list and will be completed in the order received, or with other work scheduled in the area. The owner will be contacted prior to work starting and shall pay an advance deposit of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) to be applied to the cost of labor and materials. This applies for all parking pads, driveway approaches or concrete placed on city rights of way other than sidewalks. The owner shall pay any costs over seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) upon completion of the work. (Ord. 1321, 7-25-2000; amd. 2010 Code)
   B.   Replacement Roadways: With the design of replacement roadways, each dwelling shall be provided with a paved driveway apron as part of the project. Any paved surface that is in place prior to start of the project will be replaced at no cost to the owner. For any area that has rock or is not paved at the time of the project, the following will apply:
      1.   As part of the preliminary design phase of roadway reconstruction:
         a.   Letters will be sent to homeowners and landlords notifying them of city policy. Included with the letter will be a request form for parking pads.
         b.   The city engineer shall contact owners submitting requests for parking pads and provide an estimated cost of material.
         c.   This estimate will be placed on an agreement form and provided to the owner.
         d.   This agreement shall be signed by the owners, notarized and delivered to the city hall prior to work commencing.
         e.   Any rocked parking areas not requested to be paved will be returned to grass, and parking on the grass boulevards will be in violation of the city ordinance.
         f.   With the approval of the city council, any rocked parking areas that serve the general public can be paved at no cost to owner and marked accordingly.
      2.   The owner shall be billed for concrete used within thirty (30) days of completion. The bill shall be due upon receipt, and a finance charge of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month shall be charged for any outstanding amount owed after thirty (30) days from date of invoice unless other arrangements for payment have been made.
      3.   Any owner requesting concrete pads after work in their area is completed will fall under the guidelines for existing pavement and will be placed on the waiting list. (Ord. 1321, 7-25-2000)