(A)   Introduction.
      (1)   The district is created to guide development in those areas adjoining any waterway which has or which may be expected hereafter to be covered by flood water, as determined by the State Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), various other state or federal agencies with applicable jurisdiction or other reliable sources, or as determined by local authorities on the basis of historical or technical data.
      (2)   This district is created to protect the public health and safety and to reduce the financial burdens which may be imposed on the community as a result of improper use of land having excessively high water tables or which are subject to periodic flooding.
   (B)   Establishment of floodplain districts.
      (1)   The following floodplain zoning district is established in the county, and is abbreviated as indicated.
      (2)   Land within the county is classified, divided and zoned into said districts as designated on the zoning maps, which maps are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this chapter.
      (3)   Refer to Figure 12-1 for graphical representation.
Floodplain District
   (C)   Floodplain regulations.
      (1)   No residential development shall be permitted in FP Districts.
      (2)   Permitted uses in FP Districts shall include open space, mineral extraction, agriculture and recreation.
      (3)   Alterations to land or structures, construction and other uses in FP Districts shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and policies of the State Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and other state and federal agencies with statutory jurisdiction over floodways, aquifers and waterways.
      (4)   (a)   The Area Plan Commission may approve development in FP Districts where the area has been suitably filled and graded such that permanent structures constructed shall have ground floor elevation minimum three feet above flood height, which elevation shall be determined by IDNR.
         (b)   Copy of said determinations shall be presented along with the plat of proposed development to the Area Plan Commission for approval.
(Ord. passed 9-1-2006)  Penalty, see § 154.999