A.   Selling Merchandise, Goods Or Materials: A license shall be required of any person selling any kind of merchandise, goods or materials in the city; persons taking orders or delivering any merchandise, goods or materials received from the carrier from such person, or delivered by the seller or his agent. This shall include the selling or delivering of any merchandise, goods or materials that are in competition with any established business or profession in the city. For each person, the license fee shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00) per day, or less time, or two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each person per year. (1985 Code ch. 5 § 1-3)
   B.   Taking Subscriptions; Soliciting Of Funds:
      1.   For the privilege of taking subscriptions to papers, magazines, books, encyclopedias, book of the month clubs, record of the month clubs, or selling any reading materials or audio material, any ads or advertising materials or the soliciting of any funds by any person not connected with an established business, profession, school, church or civic club for more than one year in the city, the license fee for each person shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per day, or less time. (1985 Code ch. 5 § 1-4; amd. 2016 Code)
      2.   The mayor shall, at his discretion, have the right to issue permits at no charge to worthwhile churches, schools and civic clubs or charitable organizations. (1985 Code ch. 5 § 1-4)
   C.   Exemptions: The provision hereof with reference to peddlers, agents, and solicitors shall not be held to include or apply to acts of persons selling at wholesale to licensed dealers in such articles whose stock of merchandise is listed with the county assessor for taxation, nor to their employees in taking orders at the houses of their customers of goods so ordered, to licensed tradesmen, nor shall the terms of this chapter be held to include farmers and truck gardeners who offer for sale or sell vegetables, eggs, or other produce of their own raising within Delaware County, or to persons exempt by laws of the state or the United States. (1985 Code ch. 5 § 1-17)
   D.   Invitation Required:
      1.   The practice of going in and upon private residences, business establishments or offices in the city by solicitors, peddlers, hawkers, itinerant merchants, and transient vendors of merchandise, not having been requested or invited to do so by the owner-occupant of said private residence, business establishments or office for the purpose of soliciting orders for the sale of goods, wares and merchandise, and/or for the purpose of disposing of and/or peddling or hawking the same is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and punishable as such nuisance as a misdemeanor. (1985 Code ch. 13 § 8-1)
      2.   The police department of the city is hereby required and directed to suppress the same, and to abate any such nuisance as is described in subsection D1 of this section. (1985 Code ch. 13 § 8-2)