A.   R1A Agricultural District: The R1A agricultural district is established for several purposes:
      1.   To provide for the continued use of land for predominantly agricultural purposes.
      2.   To preserve underdeveloped areas until they can feasibly be developed at urban standards and with adequate public safeguards of health, safety, etc.
      3.   To restrict development in areas subject to severe flooding until such time as it can be shown that these areas are no longer subject to flooding.
   B.   RE-1 Residential Estates District: The RE-1 residential estates district is established to provide for large lot residential development within the incorporated limits of the city. This district may be arranged to provide for housing in areas where public utilities are not available.
   C.   R-1 Single-Family Residential District: The R-1 single- family district is established as a district in which the use of the land is for single-family dwellings, except as noted. It is the purpose and intent of this district to promote the development of and the continued use of the land for single- family dwellings and to prohibit commercial and industrial use or any other use which would substantially interfere with the development or continuation of single-family dwellings in this district. The intent is to further discourage any use in this district which would generate traffic or create congestion on neighborhood streets other than the normal traffic which serves the residents of the area. This district further encourages only those uses which, because of character or size, would not create additional requirements and costs for public services which are in excess of such requirements and costs if the district was not developed solely for single-family dwellings.
   D.   R-2 Two-Family Residential District: This residential district is intended to provide for both low and moderate population density. The density and yard space requirements are so arranged as to provide general compatibility with the uses found in the R-1 single-family district. Therefore, this classification may reasonably be placed in positions which are adjacent to single-family areas or may be used as a transitional zone. The district shall have the same restrictions concerning nonresidential uses as apply in the R-1 single-family district.
   E.   R-3 Multiple-Family Residential District: The R-3 district is designed to provide areas for medium and high population density. R-3 districts will consist mainly of: 1) areas containing multi-family dwellings; 2) areas which contain single-family and two-family dwellings, are centrally located, and are appropriate when ultimate multi-family development appears desirable. In addition to the general purposes applying to all residence districts, the regulations for the R-3 districts are designed to encourage the provision of multiple-family accommodations.
   F.   RMH Residential Manufactured Home District: The RMH district is designed for manufactured home parks, and for open areas where manufactured home development appears desirable. The district is intended to permit and encourage the development of properly planned and improved manufactured home parks and manufactured home subdivisions in appropriate locations to ensure a suitable residential environment.
   G.   C-1 Convenience Commercial District: This commercial district is intended for a unified grouping, in one or more buildings, of retail shops and stores and personal services that provide for the regular needs and are for the convenience of the people residing in the adjacent residential neighborhood. It is intended that the convenience center be developed as a unit with adequate off street parking space for customers and employees, and with appropriate landscaping and screening.
   H.   C-2 General Commercial District: This commercial district is designed for the conduct of personal and business services and the general retail trade of the community. It is designed to accommodate a wide variety of commercial uses in the central business district or areas of mixed business enterprises. It will not normally be applied in the case of new commercial areas.
   I.   C-3 Highway Commercial And Commercial Recreation District: This commercial district is established as a district in which the principal use of land is for establishments offering accommodations, supplies or services to motorists, and for certain specialized uses such as retail outlets, extensive commercial amusements and service establishments which may serve the entire community but do not and should not locate in the central business district or the convenience district.
   J.   I-1 Light Industrial District: The purpose of the I-1 industrial district is to provide a location for industries. The intent is to preserve this land especially for industry in locations with access to major streets, as well as locations generally accessible to railroad transportation. Because of possible objectionable influences that may be created in this district, it is necessary to locate I-1 carefully in relation to other districts and provide such features as buffers or setback strips between this district and other zoning districts.
   K.   I-2 Heavy Industrial District: The purpose of this district is to accommodate a wide range of manufacturing, warehousing, wholesale, and other industrial activities of heavy intensities. The I-2 district regulations are intended to permit such activities, subject to limitations that will protect nearby residential and commercial districts and will ensure that permitted uses are compatible with one another. (1985 Code ch. 16 § 4-1)