The city is hereby divided into zones as shown on the zoning map dated August 4, 1997, filed with the city clerk. The map, as amended, and all explanatory materials thereon is hereby made a part of this title. Zoning districts shall be designated as follows:
Agricultural districts:
   R1A agricultural district
   RE-1 residential estates district
Residential districts:
   R-1 single-family residential district
   R-2 two-family residential district
   R-3 multi-family residential district
   RMH residential manufactured home district
Commercial districts:
   C-1 convenience commercial district
   C-2 general commercial district
   C-3 highway commercial and commercial recreation district
Industrial districts:
   I-1 light industrial district
   I-2 heavy industrial district
Specific district regulations are set forth in chapters 5 and 6 of this title. (1985 Code ch. 16 § 3-4)