(A)   Purpose and intent. The CN, Neighborhood Commercial District implements the commercial neighborhood policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
   (B)   Use regulations. Uses are allowed in the CN District in accordance with the use regulations of §§ 153.110, 153.120 through 153.180, 153.200 through 153.217, 153.230 through 153.234, and 153.250 through 153.255.
   (C)   Density, intensity, and dimensional standards. All development in the CN District shall be subject to the following density, intensity, and dimensional standards:
Density/Intensity and Dimensional Standards
Density/Intensity and Dimensional Standards
Minimum lot area
4,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
15 feet
Minimum setbacks
   Front/street side
25 feet
   Interior side
10 feet
10 feet
   OCRM critical line
50 feet
Maximum building cover
25% of lot
Maximum height
35 feet
   (D)   Other regulations. Development in the CN District shall comply with all other applicable regulations of this chapter, including the development standards of § 153.079 and §§ 153.330 through 153.342.
   (E)   Supplemental district standards. In addition to any other applicable provisions of this chapter, structures in the CN District shall be subject to the following performance standards:
      (1)   Floor area. All structures, including accessory structures, shall be limited to a maximum of 5,000 square feet gross floor area, provided that structures between 5,000 and 10,000 square feet gross floor area may be approved in accordance with the special exception procedures of § 153.045. In no case shall the total, combined gross floor area of all principal and accessory structures exceed 10,000 square feet.
      (2)   Enclosed buildings. All commercial activities, excluding accessory gasoline outlets and restaurants, shall be operated entirely within enclosed buildings.
      (3)   Gasoline pump nozzles. Accessory gasoline pumps shall be limited to a maximum of four nozzles, provided that five to eight nozzles may be approved in accordance with the special exception procedures of § 153.045. In no case shall the number of gasoline nozzles exceed eight.
   (F)   Signs. Signs within the CN District shall comply with the following standards:
Maximum sign face area
20 square feet
Maximum sign face area
20 square feet
Maximum sign height [1]
6 feet
Maximum number of signs per major road frontage [2]
Internal illumination allowed
[1]   Free-standing signs shall be monument or pedestal type.
[2]   When a parcel abuts more than one road classification, signs will be allowed on the road with the higher classification only.
   (G)   Operating hours. All commercial uses within the CN District shall be limited to operating hours between 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
   (H)   Residential uses. Residential uses in the CN District shall be subject to the density, intensity, and dimensional standards of the RSL District (§ 153.070).
(Ord. 2012-06, § 4.11, passed 10-18-2012; Ord. 2013-02, passed 4-18-2013)