The Minnesota Electrical Act, as adopted by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry pursuant to M.S. Chapter 326B, § 326B.31 to 326B.399, is hereby incorporated into this ordinance as if fully set out herein. The Minnesota State Building Code incorporates by reference the National Electrical Code pursuant to Minn. R. 1315.0020. All such codes incorporated herein by reference constitute the electrical code of the City of Jackson.
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish an electrical inspections program in the City of Jackson to be administered and enforced by the City.
   (B)   Compliance. All electrical installations shall comply with the requirements of the electrical code of the City of Jackson and this section.
   (C)   Authority to inspect. The City of Jackson hereby provides for the inspection of all electrical installations, pursuant to M.S. § 326B.36, Subd. 6.
   (D)   Permits and fees. The issuance of permits and the collection of fees shall be as authorized in M.S. § 326B.37. Any inspection or handling fees will be payable to the City of Jackson.   
   (E)   Notice and appeal. All notices of violations and orders issued under and pursuant to this ordinance shall be in conformance with M.S. § 326B.36, Subd. 4.   
   (F)   Violations and penalties. Any violation of the provisions of this § 150.08 may be enforced by any one, all, or any combination of the following penalties and remedies:
      (1)   By imposing an administrative penalty, pursuant to § 10.98 of this Code.
      (2)   By charging as a criminal offense, pursuant to M.S. § 326B.082, Subd. 16, and § 10.99 of this Code.
      (3)   By injunction, abatement, mandamus, or any other appropriate remedy in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(Ord. 57, 6th Series, passed 7-19-2011)