This title, and any rules, regulations and specifications hereafter adopted, are adopted for the following purposes:
   (1)   To promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare;
   (2)   To promote cohesive, orderly growth and development by efficient layout and use of building lots, roads and public services and utilities;
   (3)   To encourage and promote the conservation, wise use and management of natural resources in order to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community and value of the land;
   (4)   To maintain and enhance property values;
   (5)   To minimize conflict among the uses of lands and buildings;
   (6)   To implement the goals and objectives of the city general plan;
   (7)   To implement the goals and objectives of the city design guidelines and standard specifications for design and construction;
   (8)   To inform the public of the requirements and conditions necessary to obtain approvals and permits to change or create property boundaries (subdivide land);
   (9)   To preserve the natural beauty of the city and preserve the natural, cultural and historic features and enhance the quality of life in the city;
   (10)   To minimize traffic congestion and enhance mobility;
   (11)   To encourage efficiencies in public services and promote a sustainable community;
   (12)   To protect view corridors and privacy;
   (13)   To promote and preserve open space, including parks, trails, landscaped buffer areas, perimeter landscaping, natural washes and other natural undeveloped areas; and
   (14)   To eliminate or minimize nuisances, clutter and visual blight, and to prevent pollution or degradation of air, streams, ponds and the night sky. (Ord. 2006-02, 2006)