(1)   When cultural resources are uncovered, found or identified, the discoverer is required to immediately stop all activity endangering or potentially endangering the cultural resource and notify the city.
   (2)   When notified, the city staff will immediately notify the Washington County coroner and the Shivwits Paiute band chief. If no human remains are identified in the discovery, the requirement to notify the county coroner is removed.
   (3)   Under no condition shall remains be given to curator facilities, universities or others. The remains shall not be used for display under any conditions.
   (4)   The Shivwits Paiute band shall determine the disposition of the remains immediately after the county coroner has determined the remains to be Native American. The remains become a Native American responsibility once they are identified as Native American.
   (5)   The Shivwits Paiute band must respond within twenty four (24) hours of notification by city staff of discovery of the remains. Longer than twenty four (24) hours' response shall be indication of no interest, and construction activity may resume. A request for additional time because of a justifiable reason, presented in writing, shall be granted.
   (6)   Cultural items other than human remains, where possible, are to be given to the Shivwits Paiute band for their disposition. Cultural resources that cannot be moved because of size or weight shall be protected from destruction. The property owner is responsible to provide protection adequate to prevent destruction and/or vandalism.
   (7)   The Shivwits Paiute band will remove the cultural resources within twenty four (24) hours of notification. Exceptions will be made for weather.
   (8)   In those cases where the density of cultural resources uncovered or anticipated to be uncovered is extensive, as determined by the Shivwits Paiute band, the developer shall employ a Native American monitor on site to facilitate with this chapter. Appropriate additional time for removal of cultural resources shall be negotiated between the landowner and chief of the Shivwits Paiute band. (Ord. 94-7, 1994)