(1)   The city may suspend, revoke, or terminate the business license of a business which is operating as a tobacco sales business if:
      (a)   The licensee, owner, or operator:
         (i)   Engages in a pattern of unlawful activity as outlined in Utah code 76-10-1601 et seq., or its amendment; or
         (ii)   Violates any alcohol or drug related offenses, regulations restricting the sale and distribution of tobacco products or tobacco paraphernalia, or any felony offenses under any provision of federal, state, or local law.
      (b)   While on the business premises, an employee violates:
         (i)   Any laws or regulations related to alcohol or controlled substances;
         (ii)   Any laws or regulations restricting the sale and distribution of tobacco products or tobacco paraphernalia; or
         (iii)   Any provision of federal, state, or local law which would be a felony level offense.
      (c)   The tobacco sales business does not maintain the right to operate under the terms of other applicable laws, including zoning ordinances, building codes, and the business license.
   (2)   In addition to the provisions outlined in subsection (1) of this section, a business licensed hereunder may have their tobacco sales business license permanently revoked if:
      (a)   The tobacco sales business license is not renewed continuously without relapse or revocation;
      (b)   The tobacco sales business is closed for business or otherwise suspends the sale of tobacco products or tobacco paraphernalia for more than sixty (60) consecutive days; or
      (c)   The tobacco sales business substantially changes the business premises or its business operation. (Ord. 2013-05, 2013)