(A)   Each employee is a representative of the city both internally with coworkers and externally with citizens, contractors, business associates, affiliates and others. As a representative of the city, each employee is expected to act professionally, honestly, ethically, courteously and with integrity in all business transactions and interpersonal interactions while at work or in any performance of an activity on behalf of the city.
   (B)   (1)   The city expects all employees to conduct themselves in a professional, mature and lawful manner. Employees must comply with established rules, regulations, policies, procedures and directives. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
      (2)   To avoid misunderstandings about the types of conduct that are considered unacceptable, a non-exhaustive list of specific infractions is provided below purely for informational purposes as a general guide for employees:
         (a)   Unexcused tardiness;
         (b)   Unexcused and excessive absenteeism;
         (c)   Failure to perform an assigned task, meet a deadline or otherwise follow an instruction or directive;
         (d)   Insubordination or willful refusal to follow instructions, rules, regulations, policies or to accept assignments;
         (e)   Misuse of leave time;
         (f)   Intentional or unintentional violations of the policies and procedures in this handbook;
         (g)   Inability to perform duties or requirements of the job because of the loss of necessary licenses or other requirements;
         (h)   Discourteous behavior toward the public or other employees;
         (i)   Theft or embezzlement of city property or assets;
         (j)   Use, possession, sale or transfer of illegal drugs, or being under the influence of illegal drugs in any manner that may impair the employee’s ability to perform assigned duties or that may adversely affect the city’s business or reputation;
         (k)   Personal behavior, whether on or off duty, which discredits the city and is likely to damage the public reputation of the city;
         (l)   Falsification of records;
         (m)   Invasion of another’s privacy;
         (n)   Assaulting or fighting;
         (o)   Conviction of a serious criminal offense which jeopardizes or is injurious to the city’s property and security, its public reputation, the interests of other employees or which is incompatible with the due and faithful discharge of duties and responsibilities.
         (p)   Sexual or nonsexual harassment; and
         (q)   Horseplay or pranks which threaten the safety and security of the workplace or are offensive to other employees.