(A) An orientation may be made available to all new employees as soon as possible after their first day of employment.
(B) A copy of the employee handbook will be made available to all employees at each workstation. A signed Handbook Acknowledgment Form of the original employee handbook and any revisions thereof will be required of all employees subject to these policies. The signed statement will be maintained in the employee’s personnel file and retained pursuant to the KDLA Record Retention Schedule.
(C) New hires will be given a benefits package if they qualify. The City Clerk will cover the benefits package with the employee and will give the employee a due date when the package must be turned in to qualify for the benefits package. Failure to submit the package on the specified date may render the employee ineligible for some benefits.
(D) The new employee’s schedule and job description will be discussed. The City Clerk will use the Job Description Review and Acknowledgment (HR Form 02) in Appendix A to ensure the employee understands the expectations and is able to meet the physical requirements of the job. The Job Description Review and Acknowledgment Form and the job description will be signed and placed in his or her personnel file and a copy will be given to the employee.
(E) The City Clerk will ensure that all required state and federal forms are completed and placed in his or her personnel file prior to the employee starting any physical work. All required information will then be filed with the federal, state and local governments.