A. Permanent Registration Required: There is hereby adopted in the city the plan of permanent registration for voters therein, and no qualified voter shall be permitted to vote at any election unless such voter shall register as provided in the code of Iowa, as amended.
B. Definition: For the purpose of this section, the word "election" shall be held to mean general, city, special, school or primary elections and shall include state, county and city elections. (1978 Code §10-1; amd. 1994 Code)
A. Definitions:
CAMPAIGN FUNCTION: Any meeting related to a candidate's campaign for election.
CANDIDATE: Any individual who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to a municipal public office.
CANDIDATE'S COMMITTEE: The committee designated by the candidate to receive contributions as defined in chapter 56 of the state code of Iowa.
1. A gift, loan, advance, deposit, rebate, refund, or transfer of money or a gift in kind.
2. The payment, by any person other than a candidate, of compensation for the personal services of another person which are rendered to a candidate for any such purpose.
3. "Contribution" shall not include a person's time donated to aid or promote a candidate's nomination for election. "Contribution" shall not include refreshments served at a campaign function so long as such refreshments do not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) in value or transportation provided to a candidate so long as its value computed at a rate of twenty cents ($0.20) per mile does not exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) in value in any single election.
4. "Contribution" shall not include something provided to a candidate for the candidate's personal consumption or use and not intended for or on behalf of the candidate's committee.
ELECTION: Any primary, general, or special election held in the city.
PERSON: Without limitation, any individual, corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association, labor union, political action committee, or any other legal entity. (Ord. 01-3955, 2-6-2001; amd. Ord. 03-4068, 4-8-2003)
B. Limitation On Campaign Contributions By Persons: With regard to elections to fill a municipal public office:
1. No person shall make, and no candidate or candidate's committee shall solicit or accept, any contribution which will cause the total amount contributed by any such contributor with respect to a single election in support of or opposition to such candidate, to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00).
2. A person shall not make a contribution in the name of another person, and a person shall not knowingly accept a contribution made by one person in the name of another. (Ord. 01-3955, 2-6-2001)
1 | 1. See charter art. VI. |
A. Precincts Established: There are hereby established in the city the voting precincts set out in this section. (1978 Code §10-34)
B. Boundaries Of Precincts: The area encompassed within the voting precincts shall be indicated as follows:
Precinct 1: Beginning at the intersection of 1st Avenue and Court Street; east on Court Street to Friendship Street; north on Friendship Street to Washington Street; east on Washington Street to Scott Boulevard; north along Scott Boulevard to Rochester Avenue; west on Rochester Avenue to Post Road; south on Post Road to Princeton Road; northwest along Princeton Road to 1st Avenue; south along 1st Avenue to the point of beginning.
Precinct 2: Beginning at the intersection of Sunset and Benton Streets; west on Benton Street to Emerald Street; north on Emerald Street to Melrose Avenue; starting in an easterly direction along Melrose Avenue and continuing along the corporate limits of University Heights to the Iowa Interstate Railway tracks; west on the railroad tracks to Mormon Trek Boulevard; south on Mormon Trek Boulevard to Melrose Avenue; east on Melrose Avenue to Westgate Street; south on Westgate Street to Keswick Drive; along Keswick Drive to the intersection with Benton Street; east on Benton Street to Teg Drive; south on Teg Drive and continuing east along Aber Avenue to Sunset Street; Sunset Street to Ashley Drive; along Ashley Drive to Wylde Green Road; along Wylde Green Road to Edingale Drive; along Edingale Drive to Weeber Street; north on Weeber Street to Benton Street; east on Benton Street to Oaknoll Drive; north on Oaknoll Drive to Oakcrest Street; west on Oakcrest Street to George Street; north on George Street to the corporate limits of University Heights and continuing westerly along said corporate limits to the point of beginning.
Precinct 3: Beginning at the intersection of the Iowa Interstate Railway tracks and Mormon Trek Boulevard; northeast on Mormon Trek Boulevard to Highway 6; east on Highway 6 to Iowa Avenue; east on Iowa Avenue to the Iowa River; south along the Iowa River to the Iowa Interstate Railway bridge; then west along the railroad tracks to the point of beginning.
Precinct 4: Beginning at the intersection of Newton Road and Riverside Drive; west on Riverside Drive and Highway 6 to the Iowa City Corporate Limits; north along the corporate limits to the Iowa River; proceeding west and north along the Iowa River to a point where the river intersects with the extended N boundary line of lot 108 of Peninsula Neighborhood Phase 2A; southeasterly to Walker Circle and continuing along Foster Road to Dubuque Street; south on Dubuque Street to Park Road; west on Park Road to the west bank of the Iowa River; south along the river to the point of beginning.
Precinct 5: Beginning at the intersection of Park Road and Dubuque Street; south on Dubuque Street to Market Street; west on Market Street to Clinton Street; south on Clinton to Iowa Avenue; east on Iowa Avenue to Dubuque Street; south on Dubuque Street to College Street; east on College Street to Linn Street; south on Linn Street to Burlington Street; west on Burlington Street to the Iowa River; north along the river to Park Road; east on Park Road to the point of beginning.
Precinct 6: Beginning at the intersection of the Iowa Interstate Railroad tracks and Scott Boulevard; west along the tracks to 2nd Avenue; north on 2nd Avenue to J Street; west on J Street to 3rd Avenue; north on 3rd Avenue to I Street; west on I Street to 5th Avenue; north on 5th Avenue to F Street; east on F Street to 4th Avenue; north on 4th Avenue to Muscatine Avenue; east on Muscatine Avenue to the Iowa City corporate limits and continuing along said corporate limits to the point of beginning.
Precinct 7: Beginning at the intersection of Walden Road and Mormon Trek Boulevard; north along Mormon Trek Boulevard to Bartelt Road; along Bartelt Road to Roberts Road; along Roberts Road to Westwinds Drive; north along Westwinds Drive to Melrose Avenue; west along Melrose Avenue to Hawkeye Park Road; along Hawkeye Park Road to Mormon Trek Boulevard; north on Mormon Trek Boulevard to the Iowa Interstate Railway and the Iowa City corporate limits; westerly and continuing along said corporate limits to Melrose Avenue; east on Melrose Avenue to Galway Drive; along Galway Drive to Donegal Court; southerly along Donegal Court to Tipperary Road; southerly along Tipperary Road to its intersection with the NW corner of lot 195 Galway Hills Subdivision Part 10; along the western boundary of said lot 195 to its SW corner; easterly to the SE corner of lot 194 Galway Hills Subdivision Part 10; southerly to Willow Creek; easterly to the west boundary of Shannon Drive; southerly along Shannon Drive to Irving Avenue; northerly and easterly along Irving Avenue to Jensen Street; south along Jensen Street to Walden Road; northeasterly along Walden Road to the point of beginning.
(Ord. 11-4442, 8-31-2011, eff. 1-15-2012)
Precinct 8: Beginning at the SE corner of 1715 Mormon Trek Boulevard where Mormon Trek Boulevard and Hwy 218 intersect; thence NW and continuing along the Iowa City corporate limits to Melrose Avenue; east on Melrose Avenue to Galway Drive; along Galway Drive to Donegal Court; southerly along Donegal Court to Tipperary Road; southerly along Tipperary Road to where it intersects with the western boundary of lot 195 Galway Hills Subdivision Part 10; southerly along said western boundary and continuing easterly to the SE corner of lot 194 Galway Hills Subdivision Part 10; southerly to Willow Creek; easterly to the west boundary of Shannon Drive; southerly along Shannon Drive to Irving Avenue; northerly and easterly along Irving Avenue to Jensen Street; south along Jensen Street to Walden Road; northeasterly along Walden Road to Mormon Trek Boulevard; south along Mormon Trek Boulevard to the point of beginning.
(Ord. 16-4680, 10-18-2016)
Precinct 9: Beginning at the intersection of Mormon Trek Boulevard and Melrose Avenue; east on Melrose Avenue to Westgate Street; south on Westgate Street to Keswick Drive; south on Keswick Drive to Benton Street; east on Benton Street to Teg Drive; south along Teg Drive and Aber Avenue to Sunset Street; south on Sunset Street to the centerline of the southbound lane of Highway 1; west along the centerline of the southbound lane of Highway 1; crossing Highway 218 and continuing southwesterly along the centerline of the southbound lane of Highway 1 to Naples Avenue; southeast to the Iowa City corporate limits; southwest along the corporate limits to where the Iowa City corporate limits shift north at Kitty Lee Road; north along Kitty Lee Road and continuing along said corporate limits to the SE corner of 1715 Mormon Trek Boulevard which is the intersection of the right-of-ways of Mormon Trek Boulevard and Highway 218; north along Mormon Trek Boulevard to Bartelt Road; along Bartelt Road to Roberts Road; along Roberts Road to Westwinds Drive; north along Westwinds Drive to Melrose Avenue; west along Melrose Avenue to Hawkeye Park Road; along Hawkeye Park Road to Mormon Trek Boulevard; south on Mormon Trek Boulevard to the point of beginning.
(Ord. 11-4442, 8-31-2011, eff. 1-15-2012)
Precinct 10: Beginning at the intersection of Highway 6 and the Iowa River; east along Highway 6 to Boyrum Street; then south on Boyrum Street to Southgate Avenue; then east on Southgate Avenue to Keokuk Street; then south on Keokuk Street to Sandusky Drive; then east on Sandusky Drive to Taylor Drive; then south on Taylor Drive to Burns Avenue; then east on Burns Avenue to Sycamore Street; then south on Sycamore Street to the Iowa City corporate limits; then following along the Iowa City corporate limits to the point where the corporate limits intersects the centerline of the CRANDIC Railroad in Section 21, Township 79 N, Range 6 W; then continuing north along said centerline of the CRANDIC to the centerline of the Iowa River; then north along said centerline to the point of beginning.
(Ord. 16-4680, 10-18-2016)
Precinct 11: Beginning at the intersection of Burlington and Gilbert Streets; south on Gilbert Street to Highway 6; west on Highway 6 to Miller Avenue; north on Miller Avenue extended to the Iowa Interstate Railroad; east along the railroad to the Iowa River; north along the river to Burlington Street; east on Burlington Street to the point of beginning.
Precinct 12: Beginning at the intersection of Industrial Park Road and Highway 6; north on Industrial Park Road and the centerline of Industrial Park Road extended to the centerline of the Iowa Interstate Railroad; then east on said centerline to the centerline of Scott Boulevard; then north to the north right-of-way line of the Iowa Interstate Railroad; then southeasterly along said right-of-way to the west line of the southeast quarter of Section 19, Township 79 N, Range 5 W; then following the Iowa City corporate limits north, east, south, west, south, east, south, west, south, west, north, west, south, and westerly along the Iowa City corporate limits to the east line of Section 24, Township 79 N, Range 6 W; then southerly along said east line to the centerline of Hwy 6; then northwesterly, south, west, south, west, south, west, south, west, south, and west to the east right-of-way line of Soccer Park Road; then southerly along the east right-of-way of Soccer Park Road to Napoleon Street; then west along Napoleon Street to the intersection with the west right-of-way line of Soccer Park Road; then along the west right-of-way line of Soccer Park Road and Iowa City corporate limits northerly to the south line of the northeast quarter of Section 35, Township 79 N, Range 6 W; then following the Iowa City corporate limits westerly and northerly to the north right-of-way line of Nursery Lane; then following the Iowa City corporate limits east, north, east, south, east, north, east, north, and west to the intersection of Sycamore Street and the south line of Section 23, Township 79 N, Range 6 W; then north on Sycamore Street to California Avenue; then east on California Avenue to Miami Drive; then southwest on Miami Drive to Nevada Avenue; then southeast on Nevada Avenue to Lakeside Drive; then east and north on Lakeside Drive to Highway 6 and to the point of beginning. Due to annexations that occurred after the 2010 federal census, the annexed portion of Iowa City located within the census block identified by GEOID 191030105001112 is part of this Iowa City Precinct 12.
Precinct 13: Beginning at the intersection of Benton Street and Miller Avenue; south on Miller Avenue to Highway 1; east on Highway 1 to the Iowa River; south on the Iowa River to the centerline of the CRANDIC Railroad; southwesterly along said centerline to its intersection with the Iowa City corporate limits just south of Mormon Trek Boulevard; then west, north, west, north, northwesterly, and southwesterly along said corporate limits to the west line of Section 21, Township 79 N, Range 6 W; then following the Iowa City corporate limits south, easterly, south, and westerly to the east right-of-way line of US Highway 218; southeasterly along said right-of-way to the south line of Section 20, Township 79 N, Range 6 W; west along said south line to the west line of the southeast quarter of said Section 20, northerly on said west line and the centerline of Naples Avenue to the centerline of Highway 1; northeasterly along the centerline of Highway 1 to its intersection with Sunset Street extended; northwesterly on Sunset Street to Ashley Drive; along Ashley Drive to Wylde Green Road; along Wylde Green Road to Edingale Drive; along Edingale Drive to Weeber Street; along Weeber Street to Benton Street; east on Benton Street to Oaknoll Drive; north on Oaknoll Drive to Oakcrest Street; west on Oakcrest Street to George Street; north on George Street to the University Heights corporate limits; following said corporate limits north, east, north, and east to the centerline of the Iowa Interstate Railroad; southeast along said centerline to a point south of the southern-most corner of Brookland Park; south along an extension of Miller Avenue and continuing along Miller Avenue to Benton Street; west along Benton Street to the point of beginning. Due to annexations that occurred after the 2010 federal census, the annexed portion of Iowa City located within the census block identified by GEOID 191030104004015 is part of the West Lucas Township Precinct.
Precinct 14: Beginning at the intersection of Highway 6 and Sycamore Street; north on Sycamore Street to Lower Muscatine Road; northwest on Lower Muscatine Road to Kirkwood Avenue; west along Kirkwood Avenue to Gilbert Street; south along Gilbert Street to Highway 6; east on Highway 6 to Boyrum Street; south on Boyrum Street to Southgate Avenue; east along Southgate Avenue to Keokuk Street; south on Keokuk Street to Sandusky Drive; east on Sandusky Drive to Taylor Drive; north on Taylor Drive to Highway 6; east on Highway 6 to Sycamore Street and the point of beginning.
Precinct 15: Beginning at the intersection of Burns Avenue and Taylor Drive; north on Taylor Drive to Highway 6; east on Highway 6 to Sycamore Street; north on Sycamore Street to Lower Muscatine Road; northwest on Lower Muscatine Road to Pine Street; north on Pine Street to the Iowa Interstate Railway; southeast along the railroad to its intersection with Industrial Park Road extended; south along Industrial Park Road to Highway 6 and crossing Highway 6 to Lakeside Drive; south on Lakeside Drive to Nevada Avenue; north on Nevada Avenue to Miami Drive; north on Miami Drive to California Avenue; west on California Avenue to Sycamore Street; south on Sycamore Street to Burns Avenue; west on Burns Avenue to the point of beginning.
Precinct 16: Beginning at the intersection of Muscatine Avenue and Scott Boulevard; north on Scott Boulevard to Washington Street; west on Washington Street to Friendship Street; south on Friendship Street to Court Street; west on Court Street to 1st Avenue; south on 1st Avenue to Friendship Street; west on Friendship Street to 5th Avenue; south on 5th Avenue to Muscatine Avenue; following Muscatine Avenue east to the point of beginning.
Precinct 17: Beginning at the intersection of 5th Avenue and Muscatine Avenue; northwest on Muscatine Avenue to Burlington Street; west on Burlington Street to Governor Street; north on Governor Street to Jefferson Street; east on Jefferson Street to Parsons Avenue; north on Parsons Avenue to Rochester Avenue; east along Rochester Avenue to 1st Avenue; south on 1st Avenue to Friendship Street; west on Friendship Street to 5th Avenue; south on 5th Avenue to the point of beginning.
Precinct 18: Beginning at the intersection of Muscatine Avenue and Burlington Street; west along Burlington Street to Governor Street; south along Governor Street to Bowery Street; west along Bowery Street to Lucas Street; south along Lucas Street to the Iowa Interstate Railroad tracks; west on the tracks to Gilbert Street; south on Gilbert Street to Kirkwood Avenue; east on Kirkwood Avenue to Lower Muscatine Road; southeast along Lower Muscatine Road to Pine Street; north on Pine Street to the railroad tracks; southeast along the tracks to 2nd Avenue; north on 2nd Avenue to J Street; west on J Street to 3rd Avenue; north on 3rd Avenue to I Street; west on I Street to 5th Avenue; north on 5th Avenue to F Street; east on F Street to 4th Avenue; north on 4th Avenue to Muscatine Avenue; northwest along Muscatine Avenue to the point of beginning.
Precinct 19: Beginning at the intersection of Dodge Street and Bowery Street; east on Bowery Street to Lucas Street; south on Lucas Street to the Iowa Interstate Railroad tracks; west on the railroad tracks to Gilbert Street; north on Gilbert Street to Burlington Street; west on Burlington Street to Linn Street; north on Linn Street to College Street; east on College Street to Van Buren Street; south on Van Buren to Burlington Street; east on Burlington Street to Dodge Street; south on Dodge Street to the point of beginning.
Precinct 20: Beginning at the intersection of Dodge Street and Burlington Street; west on Burlington Street to Van Buren Street; north on Van Buren Street to College Street; west on College Street to Dubuque Street; north on Dubuque Street to Iowa Avenue; west on Iowa Avenue to Clinton Street; north on Clinton Street to Market Street; east on Market Street to Dodge Street; south on Dodge Street to Jefferson Street; east on Jefferson Street to Governor Street; south on Governor Street to Bowery Street; west on Bowery Street to Dodge Street; north on Dodge Street to the point of beginning.
Precinct 21: Beginning at the intersection of Governor Street and Jefferson Street; west on Jefferson Street to Dodge Street; north on Dodge Street to Market Street; west on Market Street to Dubuque Street; north on Dubuque Street to Kimball Road; east on Kimball Road to Governor Street; south on Governor Street to the point of beginning.
Precinct 22: Beginning at the intersection of Gilbert Street and Kimball Road; west on Kimball Road to Dubuque Street; north on Dubuque Street to Foster Road; along Foster Road and continuing along Walker Circle to where the NE boundary line of lot 108 Peninsula Neighborhood Phase 2A extended intersects with the Iowa River and the Iowa City corporate limits; north along said corporate limits and continuing across Interstate 80 to Dubuque Street; continuing southerly along the corporate limits to Interstate 80; east along I-80 to Prairie du Chien Road; south along Prairie du Chien Road to North Dodge Street and Highway 1; southwest to Governor Street; northwest on Governor Street to Kimball Road; westerly along Kimball Road to the point of beginning.
Precinct 23: Beginning at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Governor Street; north on Governor Street to its intersection with North Dodge Street/Highway 1; northeast along Dodge Street to Prairie du Chien Road; north on Prairie du Chien Road to Interstate 80 and the Iowa City corporate limits; starting east along the corporate limits and following the corporate limits around to Rochester Avenue; west on Rochester Avenue to Post Road; south on Post Road to Princeton Road; northwest on Princeton Road to 1st Avenue; north on 1st Avenue to Rochester Avenue; west along Rochester Avenue to Parsons Avenue; south on Parsons Avenue to Jefferson Street; west on Jefferson Street to the point of beginning. Due to annexations that occurred after the 2010 federal census, the annexed portion of Iowa City located within the census blocks identified by GEOID 191030001001045, 191030001001004, 191030101004030, 191030001001000, and 191030001001007 are part of the Newport Township Precinct.
(Ord. 11-4442, 8-31-2011, eff. 1-15-2012)
Precinct 24: Beginning at the SE corner of Scott Park on the Iowa City corporate limits; following the corporate limits south to American Legion Road; west on American Legion Road to Scott Boulevard; north along Scott Boulevard to Rochester Avenue; east on Rochester Avenue to the Iowa City corporate limits; starting east along the corporate limits and continuing to follow the corporate limits back to the point of beginning.
(Ord. 16-4680, 10-18-2016)