A.   Maximum Outdoor Light Output:
      1.   Total Outdoor Light Output Defined: The "total outdoor light output" on a property is the total amount of light, measured in initial lumens, from all bulbs used in outdoor light fixtures. It includes all lights and luminous tubing used for display lighting, general illumination, architectural/accent lighting, and lights used for external illumination of signs, but does not include lights used to illuminate internally illuminated signs or luminous tubing used in neon signs. For bulb types that vary in their output as they age, such as high pressure sodium, fluorescent and metal halide, the initial lumen output, as defined by the manufacturer, is the value to be considered when calculating total outdoor light output.
      2.   Applicability: The total outdoor light output on any property that is subject to the provisions of this article may not exceed the limits in table 5G-1 of this section, except for those that are exempted in subsection A3 of this section and in section 14-5G-7 of this article. The values in this table are upper limits and not design goals; design goals should be the lowest light levels that meet the requirements of the task.
      3.   Exemptions:
         a.   Seasonal decorations, permitted between Thanksgiving and the end of January, are not counted toward the total outdoor light output.
         b.   In the E2 and E3 districts, properties where the building coverage is eighty percent (80%) or greater are exempt from the maximum total outdoor light output standard, but are subject to the limitation on unshielded fixtures, as stated in table 5G-1 of this section.
   B.   Lighting Environment Districts: All zones, except public (P) zones, are grouped into three (3) lighting environment districts that control lighting output on applicable lots in each zone. Uses, for which the lighting standards are applicable, located within the public (P) zone must comply with the lighting requirements of the adjacent zone; those on the border between two (2) or more zones must comply with the standards of the strictest adjacent zone. Zones are grouped into the lighting environment districts as follows:
      1.   Low illumination district, E1: Areas of low ambient lighting levels. This district includes single-family and low density multi-family residential zones. This district applies to the following zones: ID-RS, ID-RM, RR-1, RS-5, RS-8, RS-12, RM-12, RNS-12, T3NE, T3NG, T4NS, and T4NM.
      2.   Medium illumination district, E2: Areas of medium ambient lighting levels. This district includes higher density multi-family zones and lower intensity commercial and office zones. This district applies to the following zones: ID-C, ID-I, ID-RP, CN-1, CO-1, PRM, RM-20, RM-44, RNS-20, MU, T4MS, EMU, and all RFC zones, except the RFC-WR.
      3.   High illumination district, E3: Areas of high ambient lighting levels. This district includes higher intensity commercial, industrial, and research zones. This district applies to the following zones: CC-2, CH-1, CI-1, CB-2, CB-5, CB-10, I-1, I-2, RDP, ORP, and the RFC-WR.
   C.   Measuring Total Outdoor Light Output:
      1.   The maximums in table 5G-1 of this section are based on a calculation of initial lumens per net acre. The lot size less the total building coverage of the lot determines the number of net acres used for this calculation.
      2.   Lumen output from an under canopy or under eave light fixture mounted fifteen (15) or more feet from any edge of the eave or canopy will be measured at 0.5 its full value.
Table 5G-1: Maximum Outdoor Light Output Standards
Shielding Combinations
Lighting Environment District
E1, Low Ambient Lighting (In Initial Lumens Per Acre)
E2, Medium Ambient Lighting (In Initial Lumens Per Acre)
E3, High Ambient Lighting (In Initial Lumens Per Acre)
Maximum total outdoor light output (including both fully shielded and unshielded fixtures)
Maximum outdoor light output from unshielded fixtures
(Ord. 06-4245, 12-12-2006; amd. Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; Ord. 21-4866, 11-16-2021)