The screening and buffering standards listed below will be applied throughout this title, where they will be referenced with the numbers S1, S2, S3, etc. The plant varieties listed in table 5F-2, located at the end of this section, are to be used to satisfy the requirements of these various standards. Deviations from the listed plants are allowed if the replacement shrubs are similar in form or hardiness to a permitted variety and are approved by the city.
   A.   General Buffering, S1:
      1.   Intent: The S1 standard is a basic transitional buffering standard, where planting areas separate uses from the public right of way, define edges and separate vehicular use areas from pedestrians, yet allow views to easily penetrate, as for outdoor sales display lots and for general landscaping on commercial properties.
      2.   Requirements: A grass lawn must be maintained within the landscaped area, with groupings of low growing shrubs and ground plants. Approximately half the landscaping plants must be of an evergreen variety to provide texture and color throughout the year. Plantings should be arranged to achieve the desired buffering effect, but there is no established minimum or maximum height.
      3.   Figure 5F.1 - General Buffering, S1:
   B.   Variable Height Screen, S2:
      1.   Intent: The S2 standard is a buffering treatment that uses distance and low level screening to separate uses from the public right of way, from other zones, to define edges and separate vehicular use areas from pedestrians. The standard is applied where moderate screening is necessary to soften the impact of uses or paved areas, but where some visibility between areas is more desirable than a total visual screen.
      2.   Required Materials: The S2 standard requires enough shrubs to form a landscape screen ranging between two feet (2') and four feet (4') in height. At least a third of the shrubs must grow to no less than four feet (4') in height.
         a.   Alternative Materials (Option A): Low berms or planters may be used to elevate shrubs as long as the overall height of the screening ranges from two feet (2') to four feet (4'). At least one-third (1/3) of the shrubs must grow to no less than four feet (4') in height.
         b.   Alternative Materials (Option B): A continuous or semicontinuous two (2) to three foot (3') high masonry wall. Breaks in the wall are permitted for sidewalk access and to accommodate required street trees. One shrub per ten (10) linear feet of wall, on average, is required. Shrubs may be grouped, but long stretches without any shrubs should be avoided. At least one-third (1/3) of the shrubs must grow to no less than four feet (4') in height.
      3.   Figure 5F.2 - Variable Height Screen, S2:
   C.   High Screen, S3:
      1.   Intent: The S3 standard is a buffering treatment that uses dense landscape screening to provide a visual and physical separation between uses and zones. It is commonly applied between residential uses and commercial and industrial uses and to screen outdoor work or storage areas.
      2.   Required Materials: Enough shrubs and small evergreens to form a continuous screen or hedge at least five feet (5') to six feet (6') in height and more than fifty percent (50%) solid year round. Screening materials must be at least three feet (3') high when planted. At least one-half (1/2) the shrubs must be evergreen varieties.
         a.   Alternative Materials (Option A): A berm may be used in conjunction with a hedge to achieve an overall height of six feet (6').
         b.   Alternative Materials (Option B): A continuous or semicontinuous five (5) to six foot (6') high masonry wall or solid fence. Breaks in the wall or fence are permitted for access and to accommodate required street trees. One shrub per ten (10) linear feet of wall, on average, is required. Shrubs may be grouped, but long stretches without any shrubs should be avoided. At least one-third (1/3) of the shrubs must grow to no less than five feet (5') in height.
      3.   Figure 5F.3 - High Screen, S3:
Figure 5F.3
   D.   Open Pattern Fence Or Wall, S4:
      1.   Intent: The S4 standard provides a tall, semiopaque visual separation. The standard is applied where separation is required, but where visibility between areas is more desirable than a total visual screen. This standard provides for instances where security may be an issue and where landscaping is not a practical option.
      2.   Required Materials: A four (4) to six foot (6') high fence of fifty percent (50%) or greater opacity constructed of wood, brick, metal, masonry or other permanent materials.
   E.   Opaque Fence Or Wall, S5:
      1.   Intent: The S5 standard provides a complete visual separation. The standard is applied in instances where complete screening is needed to protect abutting uses. This standard provides for instances where security may be an issue and where landscaping is not a practical option.
      2.   Required Materials: A four (4) to eight foot (8') high fence, completely opaque, constructed of wood, brick, metal, masonry or other permanent materials. When used for dumpster or utility enclosures, the material must match the primary building material or be complementary to it. The height of the fence or wall will be determined based on the activity, materials, or equipment being screened. In general, the fence or wall should be of sufficient height to screen the activity, materials, or equipment from public view.
Table 5F-2: Permitted Plants For Screening And Buffering1
Plant Name/ Variety
Mature Height, Form, Color
Plant Name/ Variety
Mature Height, Form, Color
General Buffering S1
Dwarf Summer Blooming Spirea (Spirea japonica or x bumalda)
Daphne spirea
1 foot, mounding, pink flowers
3 feet on center
Lime mound spirea
2 feet, mounding, yellow/green leaves
3.5 feet on center
Japanese white spirea
2 feet, mounding, white flowers
3.5 feet on center
Magic carpet spirea
2 feet, mounding, pink flowers
3.5 feet on center
Spreading Juniper (Juniper horizontalis or Juniperus chinensis) Evergreen
1 to 1.5 feet, spreading, gray-green foliage, turns to plum in fall
4.5 feet on center
Blue chip
1 foot, spreading, bright silvery blue foliage, dense
4.5 feet on center
1 to 1.5 feet, spreading, feathery green branches
4.5 feet on center
Sargent, blue
1 foot, spreading, blue-gray foliage all year
4.5 feet on center
Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergi)
Crimson pygmy
1 foot, spiny mound, red leaves in summer, red berries in winter
3.5 feet on center
1 foot, spiny mound, green leaves, red berries in winter
3.5 feet on center
Variable Height Screen S2
Dwarf Summer Blooming Spirea (Spirea japonica or x bumalda)
Anthony waterer spirea
2 to 3 feet, mounding, rose-pink flowers, red fall color
4 feet on center
Goldflame spirea
2 to 3 feet, mounding, red leaves in spring, yellow in summer, red in fall; pink flowers
4 feet on center
Little princess spirea
2 to 3 feet, mounding, covered with pink flowers throughout summer
4 feet on center
Magic carpet spirea
2 feet, mounding, pink flowers
3.5 feet on center
Neon flash spirea
2 to 3 feet, upright, dense; abundant with bright red flowers in summer
3.5 feet on center
Dwarf Korean Lilac (Syringa meyeri "Palibin")
4 to 5 feet, dense shrub, small foliage with very fragrant blooms
4.5 feet on center
American Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) Evergreen
10 to 15 feet, narrow, bright green year round
3.5 feet on center
3 to 5 feet, dense, slow growing
3 feet on center
3 to 5 feet, globular, dark green
3.5 feet on center
Taunton Spreading Yew Evergreen
2 to 3 feet, 4 to 5 feet width, dense; soft, dark green needles
4 feet on center
High Screen S3
American Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) Evergreen
10 to 15 feet, narrow, bright green year round
3.5 feet on center
15 to 30 feet, wide pyramidal, dark green
4 feet on center
Compact Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus "compacta")
5 to 6 feet, dense shrub, brilliant purple-red fall color (Note: potentially invasive near woodlands and pasture)
3.5 feet on center
Hatfield Yew (Taxus media) Evergreen
10 feet, pyramidal, dense
3.5 feet on center
Note to table 5F-2:
   1.   Deviations from the listed plants are allowed if the replacement shrubs are similar in form or hardiness to a permitted variety and are approved by the city.
(Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005)