(a)   Application for a license shall be made to the City Clerk upon forms to be provided by that office, which application shall include at least the following information:
      (1)   Name and address of owner and operator.
      (2)   The location of the premises where such amusement devices will be located.
      (3)   The number, type and serial number of each such device, provided that if the serial number is not available at the time of application, it shall be submitted prior to placing the device into operation after issuance of a license. Thereafter, the owner shall, within forty-eight hours after arrival upon the premises, give written notice to the City Clerk of the information required in this paragraph for each succeeding, additional or replacement device located thereon.
   (b)   The applicants shall, at the time of submitting the application, pay the following license fee, and fifty percent of such fee shall be forthwith refunded to the applicant if no license is issued and the remainder shall be retained by the City. The fees shall be as follows:
      (1)   For arcades: two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00);
      (2)   All other licenses: seventy-five dollars ($75.00).
   (c)   After filing of the application with the required fee, it shall be promptly forwarded by the City Clerk to each of the following departments for its investigation, for the purposes hereafter stated, and for recommendation based on such investigation prior to issuance of the license:
      (1)   Public Safety Department - determine whether owner is of good moral character and whether owner has been convicted of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
      (2)   Building Inspection Department - investigation to determine if premises comply with all City ordinances relating to electrical and mechanical facilities on premises as would be required for the operation of amusement devices.
      (3)   Community Development Department - determine if proposed use of premises (operation of amusement devices) is permitted under then existing zoning and other ordinances relating to land use in the City. Also determine if premises are equipped and maintained in accordance with all applicable City ordinances and State laws relating to fire protection as such ordinances and laws relate to the intended use of the premises (maintenance and operation of amusement devices).
   If any of the foregoing departments recommends disapproval, the specific reasons therefor shall be set forth in writing.
   (d)   Upon receipt of written recommendation of approval from each of the departments hereinbefore listed, the City Clerk shall issue the license requested.
   (e)   If any department recommends denial of the license, the City Clerk shall give written notice to the owner that the application for the license is denied. Within fifteen days thereafter, the owner may appeal such denial to the Council by written request for public hearing before such Council. In the event of such request, the Council shall schedule and hold a public hearing within twenty-one days after receipt of such request. At such hearing, the applicant, or his or her attorney, may present such evidence as he or she desires to establish that he or she meets all requirements of this chapter and each and every other ordinance and State law applicable to the intended use of the premises. Any other person or representative of any City department may present such evidence as he or she desires concerning said application. The Council may approve issuance of the license if it finds from all such evidence that all requirements of this chapter, other applicable ordinances of the City and State laws are complied with by the owner. If the Council shall disapprove the issuance of a license, it shall state the reasons therefor.
   (f)   Each license shall be issued for a period of one year and all licenses shall expire on the first day of June of each year. The license shall contain at least the following information:
      (1)   Date of issuance and date of expiration.
      (2)   Name of owner and address of premises.
   (g)   Each license issued hereunder shall not be transferable, and any purchaser, assignee or person or entity taking control of the licensed premises shall apply for a new license and shall not operate the devices regulated by this chapter without obtaining such license. License fees, or portions thereof, are not refundable except as otherwise provided in Section 814.03(b).