A.    Definitions: For purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subsection have the meanings given to them:
   FIREARMS: Any weapon, other than a pistol, from which is propelled any missile, projectile or bullet by means of explosives or gas and shall include air and BB guns.
   PISTOL: Shall have the meaning defined by Minnesota statutes section 624.712.
   WEAPONS: Dagger, metal knuckles, switchblade, stiletto or other dangerous or deadly weapon. (1974 Code § 927.01)
   B.    Concealed Weapons Prohibited: No person shall carry or wear concealed about his person any dagger, metal knuckles, switchblade, stiletto or other dangerous or deadly weapon within the city. (1974 Code § 927.03)
   C.    Tampering With Firearm And Pistol Identification Marks: No person shall change, alter or obliterate the name of the make, model, manufacturer's number or other mark of identification, and no person shall keep in his possession or under his control any such firearm or pistol upon which the name of the make, model, manufacturer's number, or other mark of identification has been, to his knowledge, changed, altered, renewed, or obliterated. (1974 Code § 927.05)
   D.    Transporting Firearms, Pistols And Weapons:
      1.    A person not in possession of a valid permit as provided in Minnesota statutes section 624.714 shall not carry a firearm, pistol or weapon except unloaded and completely enclosed in a container. When said firearm, pistol or weapon is transported in a vehicle, it shall be stored in the trunk or the most inaccessible part of the vehicle.
      2.    No person, including all those who have been granted a permit to carry pistols, shall carry firearms, pistols or weapons on their person or in the passenger compartment of any motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, hallucinatory chemicals or narcotic drugs. (1974 Code § 927.07)
   E.    Penalties: Any person convicted of any violation of this section may be punishable as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code. In addition, any firearm, pistol or weapon in possession of such person at the time of such violation, and used therein, shall be confiscated. Conviction of any violation shall work automatic revocation of all registrations, permits and licenses held thereunder by the violator. (1974 Code § 927.09; amd. 2008 Code)
   F.    Disposition Of Confiscated Firearms, Pistols And Weapons: Any firearms, pistols or weapons confiscated for violation of this section shall be stored by the chief of police. All such confiscated firearms, pistols and weapons shall, from time to time, be destroyed or disposed of under the supervision of the chief of police or his agent. Destruction of such firearms, pistols and weapons shall be done in a manner which renders them incapable of being used for their intended purpose. (1974 Code § 927.11)