11-2-4: FINAL PLAT:
   A.   Filing Final Plat:
      1.   The subdivider shall file fifteen (15) copies of the final plat including scaled reductions of the same number at eight and one-half inches by eleven inches (8.5"x11") and eleven inches by seventeen inches (11"x17") with the planning division within the time limit set upon the preliminary plat. (Ord. 1038, 7-8-2002; amd. 2008 Code)
      2.   The final plat shall encompass all or a reasonable portion of the property included in the preliminary plat. Said reasonable portion shall be determined by the city council upon recommendation of the city staff.
      3.   Final plat shall include all information required by subsection 11-2-5C of this chapter. (Ord. 1038, 7-8-2002)
      4.   The subdivider shall pay all fees established by ordinance of the city council.
   B.   Referral By Planning Division; Staff Review:
      1.   Upon filing of the final plat, the planning division shall refer copies to the city staff for their review. (Ord. 1038, 7-8-2002; amd. 2008 Code)
      2.   Upon completion of staff review, the city administrator shall place the final plat on the agenda of the next regular city council meeting. In the event that city staff finds substantive changes from the approved preliminary plat, the final plat shall be scheduled for a public hearing with the planning commission. The commission shall review and make recommendation to the city council regarding the findings of their review based upon the provisions of this title.
   C.   Council Action:
      1.   The city council, by majority vote of the total number of members of the city council, shall approve, deny or refer the final plat to the planning commission or staff with specific instructions for said referral and a specific date for subsequent resubmittal to the city council.
      2.   Upon approval of the final plat, the city council, where deemed appropriate, shall instruct the staff to prepare a development contract with corresponding financial assurances in form and content satisfactory to the city attorney and public works director. This does not include simultaneous approval of the final plat and development contract.
      3.   Upon approval of the development contract by the city council, and the filing of the corresponding financial assurances, the mayor, city clerk, and secretary and chair of the planning commission shall be authorized to sign the final plat. The mayor and city clerk shall also be authorized to sign the development contract.
   D.   Filing By Subdivider; Fees And Costs:
      1.   The subdivider, upon approval and signing of the final plat by the city, shall file the final plat with the county and submit proof of said filing to the city. Failure by the subdivider to file the final plat within ninety (90) days shall render city approvals null and void unless an extension is granted by the city council.
      2.   The subdivider shall submit a Mylar of the final plat to the city for its permanent record. It shall be at a scale of one inch equals one hundred feet (1"=100') as described in subsection 11-2-5C of this chapter.
      3.   The subdivider shall submit all easements, deeds, fees, dedications, contracts or similar documents required as a part of the plat approval before the plat shall have full force and effect and be recognized by the city. No building permits shall be issued until all of the above is received by the city unless otherwise permitted by city ordinance or by action of the city council. In no instance shall an occupancy permit be issued until all of the above information is received and duly recorded.
      4.   The subdivider shall pay all reasonable costs incurred by the city for review and inspection, including preparation and review of plans, plats, development contracts, agreements and specifications by the engineer, attorney, and planner, and other costs of a similar nature upon receipt of a statement therefor from the city clerk. This payment shall be in addition to the subdivision fee hereinabove provided. (Ord. 1038, 7-8-2002)