A.   Water Supply: Any public or private supply of water for domestic purposes shall meet or exceed standards for water quality of the Minnesota department of health, Dakota County and the Minnesota pollution control agency.
   B.   Sewage Treatment:
      1.   All private sewage treatment systems shall meet or exceed the Minnesota pollution control agency standards for individual sewage treatment systems contained in the document titled, "Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Standards, Chapter 7080", a copy of which is hereby adopted by the city by reference and declared to be a part of this article.
      2.   Connections shall be made to public systems where available.
      3.   On site sewage treatment systems shall be set back from the ordinary high water level in accordance with the setbacks contained in section 10-13B-8 of this article.
      4.   All proposed sites for individual sewage treatment systems shall be evaluated in accordance with the following criteria. If the determination of a site's suitability cannot be made with publicly available, existing information, it shall then be the responsibility of the applicant to provide sufficient soil borings and percolation tests from on site field investigations. Evaluation criteria is as follows:
         a.   Depth to the highest known or calculated ground water table or bedrock;
         b.   Soil conditions, properties, and permeability;
         c.   Slope; and
         d.   The existence of lowlands, local surface depressions, and rock outcrops.
      5.   Nonconforming sewage treatment systems shall be regulated and upgraded in accordance with this section and the following:
         a.   A sewage treatment system not meeting the requirements of subsection B1 of this section must be upgraded, at a minimum, at any time a permit or variance of any type is required for any improvement on, or use of, the property. For the purposes of this subsection B5a, a sewage treatment system shall not be considered nonconforming if the only deficiency is the sewage treatment system's improper setback from the ordinary high water level. (Ord. 1098, 11-8-2004)
         b.   The city will require upgrading or replacement of any nonconforming system identified by this program within two (2) years. Sewage systems installed according to applicable local shoreland management standards adopted under Minnesota statutes section 103F.221, in effect at the time of installation, may be considered unless they are determined to be failing. Systems using cesspools, leaching pits, seepage pits, or other deep disposal methods, or systems with less soil treatment area separation above ground water than required by the Minnesota pollution control agency's chapter 7080 for design of on site sewage treatment systems shall be considered nonconforming. (Ord. 1098, 11-8-2004; amd. 2008 Code)
      6.   Additional regulations governing on site sewage treatment systems are contained in the city on site sewage treatment system ordinance1. (Ord. 1098, 11-8-2004)