(A)   At the time the garage sale is conducted, the homeowner or occupant who obtained the garage sale permit shall prepare a garage sale sign not to exceed four square feet in area which shall be used to advertise the garage sale. Such sign shall contain the street address of the premises on which said sale is conducted, the permit number and the expiration date of the permit. Such sign shall be placed within the property line of said premises. The permit is to be clearly visible on the property for the entire duration of said sale. Any additional signs which are used shall be placed at a location other than the premises at which the garage sale is being held and shall contain the words: "Warning: Not to be placed in a public right-of-way or on private property without the owner's consent." Additional signs shall be prepared and contain the same information as the sign which is placed on the premises where the garage sale is being conducted. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the permittee to remove such sign or signs within 24 hours after the garage sale ends in accordance with the permit. Any other sign pertaining to the garage sale is prohibited.
   (B)   Outside display of merchandise may be allowed on the premises at which said sale is being held.
('68 Code, § 4-1605) (Ord. 592, passed 12-20-82) Penalty, see § 122.99