§ 122.05 LICENSE FEES.
   The following fees shall be charged for operating as a street vendor and/or food vendor:
   (A)   Class 1. For every person engaged in the business of street vendor and/or food vendor, whether traveling by foot without the aid of any vehicle or who uses a vehicle referred to in either of the following classes, the fee shall be $2 per year per person.
   (B)   Class 2. Street and/or food vendors who travel by foot or who use a bicycle, pushcart or hand- drawn wagon or other similar small conveyance, carrying any basket, box or container not exceeding two cubic feet, the fee for each conveyance or container shall be $2 per day up to and including ten days, and $25 for one year, which fee shall be in addition to fee provided in Class 1 above.
   (C)   Class 3. For every street vendor and/or food vendor who shall use any horse-drawn or motor- propelled vehicle in his operations, the fee for each vehicle shall be $3 per day up to and including ten days, with a maximum of $40 per year for each vehicle, which fee shall be in addition to fee provided in Class 1 above.
('68 Code, § 3-304) (Ord. 110, passed 10-7-52)