§ 120.086 RATES OF FARES.
   (A)   Taxicabs.
      (1)   The rates to be charged and collected for service by taxicabs shall be the following:
         (a)   $2.00 flag;
         (b)   $2.20 per mile (pro-rated per mile);
         (c)   $25.00 an hour for waiting;
         (d)   $0.20 drop (incremental change in meter).
Waiting time shall include the time when the taxicab is not in motion, beginning with the arrival at the place to which it has been called, or the time consumed while standing at the direction of the passenger, and for delays caused by slow-moving traffic or traffic lights, but no charge shall be made for time lost for inefficiency of the taxicab or its operator or time consumed by premature response to a call. No charge shall be made for extra passengers.
      (2)   The City Council reserves the right to increase or decrease the rates established by this section, which rates may be changed from time to time by resolution of the City Council. No rate change shall be made except as may be established by the City Council. There shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the inside of the taxicab a card on which shall be printed, in plain, legible type, the rates of fare provided for in this chapter, the meter rate of the taxicab and reference to this section number.
('68 Code, § 5-515) (Ord. 815, passed 8-6-07)
   (B)   Motor vehicle for hire.
      (1)   No person operating a motor vehicle for hire shall operate the same within the city other than on an hourly rate. The schedule of rates for service of such vehicle shall be as follows: For the use of any such motor vehicle for hire carrying two or less passengers, not more than $3 per hour; for use of such motor vehicle for hire carrying three to five passengers, not more than $3.50 per hour; for the use of such motor vehicle for hire carrying more than five passengers, not more than $4.50 per hour. No charge of less than $2.50 per hour shall be charged for the use of such motor vehicle for hire for the first hour or any fraction thereof.
      (2)   For the use of motor vehicles for hire where such vehicle has been used in excess of one hour, additional time shall be charged for on the basis of quarter hour fractions of the rate charged for the first hour's use of such vehicle. The amount so charged shall be upon an hourly basis.
      (3)   The time shall begin when the motor vehicle is ready at the time and place requested by the passenger, and shall continue until the passenger has been discharged and the car shall have had time thereafter to return to the garage or stand by the most direct route, and at the maximum speed permitted by law. The driver of a motor vehicle for hire shall give the passenger a receipt showing the time when the trip commenced and concluded and shall be signed by the driver.
      (4)   There shall be displayed, in plain public view on each motor vehicle for hire, a sign giving the rates charged by the hour.
      (5)   This section shall not apply to a taxicab where a taximeter is attached thereto.
('68 Code, § 5-516)
(Ord. 319, passed 7-15-68)